Let's discuss women in American history and the very patriarchal society in which many lived. How and why gender inequality existed is the subject of this thread. Let's talk about everything related to it!
During the United States history there have always been issues with Gender and the difference in class between men and women.From the beginning of time, there has always been a belief that men are better than women and that thought still continues today but in a less drastic way.American women were not allowed to have jobs or vote until the 19th Amendment in 1919, and still the average womens pay is considerably less then the average male pay.
Tom wrote: During the United States history there have always been issues with Gender and the difference in class between men and women.From the beginning of time, there has always been a belief that men are better than women and that thought still continues today but in a less drastic way.American women were not allowed to have jobs or vote until the 19th Amendment in 1919, and still the average womens pay is considerably less then the average male pay.
actually, it's been this way since the beggining of american society after european intervention. you'll find evidence in the tribal parts of the american pasttime that in a lot of native civilizations woman were more divine then men. they posed as the greater position as far as class went ..... otherise i agree
Tom wrote: During the United States history there have always been issues with Gender and the difference in class between men and women.From the beginning of time, there has always been a belief that men are better than women and that thought still continues today but in a less drastic way.American women were not allowed to have jobs or vote until the 19th Amendment in 1919, and still the average womens pay is considerably less then the average male pay.
The issues over gender like you mentioned have slowly gotten better over time. Just think about in the last election for governor in our state, it came down to our current governor and a woman. (I can't remember her name.. but oh well it will come to me =] ) But my point is that she came so close. I mean, it was between her and one other person. The odds are gettin better!!
It has gotten better but there are still a few who believe that men are still better than women and these sexist ideas and that in itself is not healthy but its sad to say that it is true.
Although it is true to say that women were never really treated equally to men, the roles of women cannot be overlooked. Since the beginning of time women were important. They have always played a major role in society whether they were acknowledged or not. Although women were not to work outside the house, they still had a major role inside the house. They had to cook clean and take care of children. That alone was more work then most of the men did. African women had to work hard in the fields, which was definitely more work then any white man was doing. The womens movement revolutionized life for women. I dont think that women will ever be accepted equally to every man because of male dominancy, but we are pretty close.
This subject ties into war in a way as well. Just think about all the women that became nurses and helped the wounded during wars. And what about the women during WWII I think it is that helped to build airplanes and other weapons and machinery. Like Melanie said, their roles cannot be overlooked. Just because they were not acknowledged as much, they played a HUGE role in society, wars, and in the home. What would a man have done if he came home and had no wife to fluff his pillows and make his food? haha Sounds kinda funny if it's put that way.
As Mr. E. and I were talking about in Virtual High School class, Gender issues still continue today. Do you think it's fair that it's a proven fact that males generally get paid more than females?
steven wrote: actually, it's been this way since the beggining of american society after european intervention. you'll find evidence in the tribal parts of the american pasttime that in a lot of native civilizations woman were more divine then men. they posed as the greater position as far as class went ..... otherise i agree
Zinn! lol, I remember that packet...it's the one we had to write questions on the board. haha
Anyway, women's roles have gotten better. They now hold jobs that men do, when they used to have to stay at home and basically serve the needs of the husband and family. Slowly they branched out into other fields, like teaching in schools, and becoming doctors. And Dorothea Dix, she even set up many mental institutions across the country to make conditions better for the mentally ill. Women also started going to college, a thing that only men were allowed to do until they 1800's. (I'm not sure on the exact year women started going to college.)
Well, although we've come a long way, a very long way with gender equality, i for one, believe that we still have a long way to ago, and although there's always room for improvement in any matter, i'd just like to point out that there IS, in fact, STILL an issue with gender, specifically in the workplace today, despite the opportunity women have encountered over the years in US history.
Okay, anyway, in 1848, The first women's rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. After 2 days of discussion and debate, 68 women and 32 men signed a Declaration of Sentiments which outlined grievances and set the agenda for the women's rights movement. A set of 12 resolutions was adopted calling for equal treatment of women and men under the law and voting rights for women.
Women's suffrage, when it comes to voting, and having in equal political say in the government was again addressed time after time, and in 1890, The National Women Suffrage Association and the American Women Suffrage Association merged to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). As the movement's mainstream organization, NAWSA wages state-by-state campaigned to obtain voting rights for women.
Since the beginning of time woman and men have been labeled with roles that each should follow out. Men are considered to be the stronger, secure, and dominant gender, while woman have always been considered to be the weaker, needy, and nurturing gender. Naturally, woman truely are the weaker gender - not physically, not mentally, but socially. Woman have been reduced down throughout the years, and no matter how hard they try to rise up there is always someone to bring them down. When it comes to work it is true that a woman place in our society has gotten much better, but considering violence in the workplace, less benefits for a woman, and sometimes even lower wages we have not reached the equality woman have been working so hard for. For example: "In 2001, the wage gap decreased for the fifth consecutive year but it remains substantial: women who worked full-time, year-round earned 76 cents for every dollar men earned. An average woman who works full time will earn over $400,000 less than the average man over her working life. Furthermore, female-dominated occupations (e.g., secretaries, elementary school teachers) overall have lower wages, whether the jobs are held by men or women... This loss of earnings negatively affects the entire population: because of the wage gap, working families lose $200 billion of income a year." http://www.uaw.org/publications/jobs_pay/03/no2/jpe11.cfm
Although these statistics are unfortunate, the statistics of violence in the workplace are even worse. More than 36,500 rapes occur in the workplace annually - 80% against woman. Sadly, this number is only the number of rapes and assaults that have been reported, can you even imagine what the number would be if every woman came out and told their story. What's even worse is the reason why they never do. After such an incident a woman's self esteem is ruined, a threat is most likely made by the attacker that he will either somehow "blackmail" her or "ruin her reputation", and the fear of injustice comes into play. Think of it this way, what if a male manager at a big company who is handsome, friendly, intelligent, and very successful molests his 20 year old employee after everyone has left, he threatens her and demands her not to tell anyone, so she doesnt - and it happens again. When she finally admits it, he denies it of course and she gets a reputation, labeling her as "pathetic" "whore" and "all she's after is his money." Sadly, it is a fact in our society today that scenarios similar to this are what more than often happen. And let's be serious, you can say you would take the woman's side from what you know, but if all you knew was that some 20 year old female is acussing her handsome, intelligent, successful boss who is known for being a "great guy", who would you really believe?
I read in the little blue AP study book that the career world really didn't start becoming a more intergrated feild until the 1990's. In the 70's, when the femenist movement really got a new life, they managed to pass a few bills that attempted to create equal treatment in the workplace. It was also new for a woman to get a complete education in law, medicine and other high-paying careers. It really surprised me that it said that complete equality still hasn't been acheived, and that women only really started to make a dent in the professional world in the 1990's.
Just kindof weird that we were like...alive then. :/ When you think of it in those terms, that like, this is still a problem for our generation when it started in what, the 1800's? Its kindof ridiculous that women still have to fight so hard to get anywhere in the professional and political world.
Why do you think that women were dicriminated against and why do you think it took so long for them to take a stand? If you were a women, in that time period would you have just gone along with it or would you have stood up for your rights?
Why do you think that women were dicriminated against and why do you think it took so long for them to take a stand? If you were a women, in that time period would you have just gone along with it or would you have stood up for your rights?
I dont think that Women had an idea what it was like to have freedom because since the beggining of time they had always been treated as less than the Men so they were used to it. I dont know if that makes sense but it kind of seems like they didnt know any different and for the most part they didnt mind.
Gender division was a major part of our History. The idea that women were under men and that it should stay that way. But eventually, shortly but surely, women came out of their shells and starting fighting for their rights. I was doing some research that Deborah Sampson was the first woman to impersonate a man and take part in a battle. That right there showed that women had a lot of courage and wanted to get their rights. Another big achievement for women was later on in 1972 when Shirley Chisholm ran for president. Not only was she a woman but she was a black woman so she was standing up for double rights. That also took a lot of courage. Even though she suffered many downfalls during the election she never once gave up. She wasn't afraid to be herself and speak her mind.