Post 10 of the most important events in the decade assigned. Explain each briefly (descriptively and in context of other events, individuals and issues of that time).
1800-Jan. 10, senate ratifies peace treay with tunis 1800- may-dec, presidential tie between Jefferson and Burr 1801-1805, war with tripoli 1803- marbury vs. madison 1803- louisiana purchase 1804- burr kills hamilton in a duel 1806- lewis and clark return to st. louis, september 1807- embargo act bans trade with forgien countries 1807- cesapeake-leopard incident 1808- jefferson refuses to work for 3rd term; names monroe as sucessor.
~1800- May-Dec.,presidential tie between Jefferson and Burr. House of representatives try to block jeffersons election. Alexander Hamilton choses Jefferson , Jefferson become president.
~1801-1805, war with Tripoli, between America and north African states, ( the ruler of these states demanded money from Jefferson basicly because he could. Jefferson refused, the Barbary states ( north African states)declare war on america.
~1803- marbury vs. Madison, decision becomes basis for judicial review. William marbury was appointed chief justice of DC by john adams, not delivered before Jefferson takes over. Jefferson says for Madison to with hold the appointments. Marbury sues, but Madison wins.
~1803- louisiana purchase, approximately 530,000,000 bought by jefferson from the frech. Consists of the modern day central US. From louisiana to montana, illinois to wyoming. About triples size of US. $15 mill
~1804- burr kills hamilton in a duel. Personal and political rivals. Hamilton talked about burr behind his back, burr must defend his honor. They duel. Hamilton misses and shoots a tree. Burr obviously has much better aim.
~1806- Lewis and Clark return to st. Louis, September. Their journey deflates many ideas of the west being a kind of magical place I guess you could call it, with dinosaurs and stuff like that. They do however show the west as manageable and navigatable, settles start moving in.
~1807- embargo bans all trade with forgien countries. B/c of british and french interference with neutral us ships. We wont trade with either until they leave us alone
~1807- Chesapeake-leopard incident. British ship takes American sailors and forces them to join british navy. America is mad. Beginning of cause for war of 1812.
~1808- jefferson refuses to work for 3rd term; names monroe as successor
s.bailey wrote:~1807- embargo bans all trade with forgien countries. B/c of british and french interference with neutral us ships. We wont trade with either until they leave us alone
Along with the embargo act was the non-intercourse act and Macon's Bill Number 2...if I'm not mistaken...I'm not sure how far apart they were made though
a mistake by congress in outlawing the slave trade was that they said 'states' in it. this meant it didnt apply to the district of columbia, and slave trade was allowed to continue there.