Chapter 35 is about America in World War II. World War II began for a few reasons. - German invasion of Poland - Japanese attacks on China, US, and British and Dutch colonies These attacked resulted from leaders in Germany and Japan feeling they were elite. As said above, the United States entered the war because Japan made an attack on Pearl Harbor. The death toll of the attack on Pearl Harbor reached about 2,403.
Other Important Things - U-boat ~ A German submarine used in the War. (Unterseeboot) - Genocide ~ the systematic extermination or killing of an entire people. In World War II - the Holocaust. - Deposed ~ being forced to be removed from office or position - Acclamation~ a general and unanimous action of approval or nomination by a large public body, without a vote. - Beachhead ~ the first position on a beach secured by an invading force and used to land further troops and supplies. - Internment Camps- camps where 110,000 Japanese-Americans living in the West were moved after the attack on Pearl Harbor. - Mein Kampf~ Hitlers autobiographical book outlining his plans for the future to conquer lands around Germany. - Treaty of Versailles- the peace treaty that ended World War I which Hitler disregarded in World War II. - Appeasement ~ a policy of accepting conditions of an aggressor because of armed resistance. - Munich Agreement ~ ignored by Hitler which ended up being the first sign that he could not be trusted.
It established the League of Nations. Germany was punished for starting war. The US senate rejected the treaty because of the League of Nations and isolationist sentiment in US.
"Munich Agreement ~ ignored by Hitler which ended up being the first sign that he could not be trusted"
who was it with, what did it say? how did he ignore it.
The Munich agreement was an agreetment reguarding the crisis between major powers in Europe after a conference held in Munich, Germany in 1938. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of Czechoslovakia in the face of territorial demands made by Hitler. This agreement basically ended up surrendering much of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany. Because Hitler had already taken over Austria, he demanded the control of Czechoslovakia.
Julia... I was researching a little more on the internment camps where the Japanese were held and i found out that more than half of those that were held were actually children!! Did you know that!! I know it's useless information but i just thought that was crazy!!!
also, the lend-lease program was how the US helped allied forces without acctually declaring war on any one. we 'lent' weapons and other war-time necessities to britain so they could 'borrow' them and not have to spend money they needed to support the war on weapons.
Germany had the largest submarine fleet in World War II, since the Treaty of Versailles had limited the surface navy of Germany to 6 battleships, 6 cruisers and 12 destroyers.
Julia can you tell me any information about Hitler himself? Also if anyone wants to read a really good book on the Holocaust, it was written by one of the survivors, it is called Night. Enjoy!!!
Julia can you tell me any information about Hitler himself? Also if anyone wants to read a really good book on the Holocaust, it was written by one of the survivors, it is called Night. Enjoy!!!
Adolf Hitler was the German Chancellor from 1933 until his death.He was also the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party aka the Nazi party.He gained power after World War I. He appealed to the economic needs of the lower and middle classes.
His name actually means nobel wolf
As a boy, Hitler was whipped daily by his father. He is also said to be one-quarter Jewish, which is pretty hypocritical considering his mass murdering of millions to create his perfect race.
Obviously there is way more to write about Hitler, but he was a brilliant man that used his power for evil instead of good.
(Underseeboat) It refers to military submarines operated by the Germans in WWI and WWII. The primary targets of the U-boats were merchante convoys bringing supplies from Canada and the US to Europe. Austrian submarines of WWI were also known as U-boats.
I think not only the invasion of Poland by Germany, but the later events in this war, such as the Munich Agreement were substantially key. I feel this way because of the broken trust the Munich Agreement allowed us to finally clearly see. Our awareness of this disloyalty defined to us, an enemy, vs. a friend. (or allie)
But, when was Mein Kampf actually found or in the hands of the US citizens/government. Was it published? (Hitlers autobiographical book outlining his plans for the future to conquer lands around Germany.)