Post Info TOPIC: Round 3/4 Analysis: Negatives

Round 3/4 Analysis: Negatives

For Negatives to share information and analysis of Affirmative Plans faced.



in round three taeler and i faced a plan against bishop stang varsity c about senior corps, where they wanted to substantially increase the number of persons serving in senior corps because senior citizens were depressed, which could lead to suicide.  they were planning on having their budget from the rsvp program and also giving the seniors incentives such as $70 a month and better health care. 



in round four, taeler and i faced a plan against stang varsity b about increasing the number of people in americorps by having every person accepting a specific grant serve 1 hour for every $50 they are recieving.  they would have a year and a half to do so, and they would only be serving about 50 hours. if they did not serve thier time, they would not recieve the grant.  the affirmative team wanted to do this because the grants were going to the people and there wasn't a positive guarantee, which could be solved through service hours.




Violation- The affirmative plan doesn’t increase the actual people, they increase the jobs

watch out for this


cross examination


an easy question is who is the agent? (who passes the plan,etc.)  if they tell you one branch of government, run a topicality on "United States Federal Government" saying it is all 3 branches (executive, legislative, judical). they are only using 1, which is not topical.


RE: Round 3/4 Analysis: Negatives

Violation-The plan causes a future increase in the number serving in a national service program, not as an immediate result of the policy

the affirmative must specify that putting their plan into affect will lead to an immediate increase in the number of of people serving in their organization. if this is not true the case is not topical.



Violation-The aff doesn’t mandate an increase in the number of persons serving. It creates potential increases which by any means would only be effects.



Plan: The United States Federal Government should establish a policy
to draft all men and women above the age of eighteen for two years of
military service.

Aff. Attacks

The U.S. Military is Stretched to the Breaking Point

Fallows 2004 (James Fallows, “Hollow Army,” The Atlantic Online,

The U.S. military is stretched to the breaking point—and one more crisis could break it The United States spends more on armed forces than do all other countries combined; the resulting arsenal is more than a match for any opposing power and for nearly any conceivable coalition of foes. No one disputes that American military supremacy is an international reality. But our military has become vulnerable in a way that is obvious to everyone associated with it yet rarely acknowledged by politicians and probably not appreciated by much of the public. The military's people, its equipment, its supplies and spare parts, its logistics systems, and all its other assets are under pressure they cannot sustain. Everything has been operating on an emergency basis for more than two years,with no end to the emergency in sight. The situation was serious before the invasion of Iraq; now it is acute.

The U.S. Armed Forces Face A Recruiting and Retention Crisis
National Security Advisory Group, 2006

[“The U.S. Military: Under Strain and at Risk,” National Security Advisory Group, 2006,]

The Army and Marine Corps are meeting their overall retention goals, for the moment, but some fear a major retention crisis may be looming for the Army. While the Army met its overall retention goals in 2005, the Army National Guard and Army Reserve fell short of their goals for those deciding whether to renew their commitment for the first time,m creating the potential for long-term imbalances in the force. In addition, some of our most highly skilled people, like Special Operations Forces, are leaving the force to become more highly paid contractors. Furthermore, between 2001 and 2004, divorce rates and the incidence of domestic violence increased markedly, indicating the severity of the strains on Army personnel and their families. Some commanders fear that these seemingly unrelated developments could auger a retention crisis in the future.


U.S. Troops are Overstretched Causing the U.S. to be Increasingly Vulnerable to Attack. Alberts, 2006 (Sheldon Alberts, “U.S. Army is Exhausted,” The Gazette, January 26, 2006).

The mighty U.S. army, the largest and most potent fighting force on the planet, is nearing exhaustion due to falling recruitment and the ongoing strains of frequent troop rotations to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to two reports made public yesterday. In a stark assessment of U.S. ground troops prepared for the Pentagon, a retired army officer concluded U.S. soldiers are so overstretched they cannot sustain their current pace of deployment long enough to cripple the Iraqi insurgency. A second report, prepared for Democrats by a former U.S. secretary of defence, said the country's military was reaching a "breaking point" and is so weakened that the United States is increasingly vulnerable to attack. "If the strain is not relieved, it will have highly corrosive and long-term effects on the military," said William Perry, who ran the Pentagon during the Clinton administration.

Neg attacks:

The Millitary is not overstreched
James  Carafano, PHD senior Reserch fellow of the heritage Foundation

America has about 3 million men and women in uniform. the profile isnt that the militart is too small, its just structured to tight the last war  in the last century. the result: too many troops in the wrong unifom in the wrong places trained in the wrong skills to be of much use in the war on terror.

The Present Strength of the U.S armd forces is unprecedented
sara wood 9staff, America Forces Press Service0 2005 BROUGHT SOLID ACCOMPLISHMENT, Jan 19 2006. Online Internet. MAR 2, 2006.

The Us Army is the most capable best trained best equipped and experienced force in the U.S has feiled in more then a decade and 2005 was a year of many sighificant achievements [secretary of the army Francis J.] Harvey said. Speculations that the Army is severely streched or "broken" are incorrect, he added. "to be sure the army is facing great challenges but it is more accurate to describe the Army as a full-spectrum force with a portfolio of capabilities that are relevant to the 21st century," he said

The military Is NOT facing a Recruitment Crisis
Michael O' Honlon, Senior Fellow in foreign Policy Studies

Services often missed their recruiting goals by 1 or 2 precent in the late 1990's. But recent generous pay raises better recruiting advertisements and other factors have essentially solved the problem


*this plan has been tried to be put into effect before but it was not passsed through congress*

Claims of inadequate froce levels are exaggerated:
X2468 Karl Zinsmeister (editor American Enterprise Institute0 THE AMERICAN INTERPRISE Mar. 06, 2006.
Individulas who have actually served in iraq and afganistan are signing up again at records rates. Re-enlistedment totaly in the active Army over the last three years are more then 6 precent above targets. Over a thried of the Army re-enlistments now take place in combat zones



Violation- voluntary service is not mandatory



I read a plan on increasing the Citizen Corps, but more importantly Medical Reserve. This was countered with the fact that increasing the Medical Reserve would only be increasing a branch of the US Citizen Corps, and therefore is not topical, on the grounds that it was only increasing a BRANCH of the Citizen Corps, and not the Citizen Corps as a whole.




-The act of choosing; choice
-The power or freedom to choose

[needed deffiniton]



Peace Corp.

"Far from ameliorating poverty or increasing prosperity, the affirmatives good will and volunteerism re-enforces global inequalities and relationships of domination in which the white western world is superior to the un-developed third world."

By helping out people in third world countries the Peace Corp is potentially making things worse. The Peace Corps are putting themself in a position that they are now becoming responsible for the people in these countries. Third world countries are depending on the U.S. to meet their needs instead of helping themselves.


Don't Ask Don't Tell.

"Repealing don’t ask don’t tell does nothing – the mindset the attitude and the beliefs remain the same."
Andrew Webb, freelance writer in San Diego March 02


Eliminating Don't Ask Don't Tell will making bigger problems in the military. The reason that this policy exists is so that gays and lesbians can serve in the military and not have to worry about being harassed by others who disagree with their sexual preference.  Repealing this policy will not change what others think about gays and lesbians, all this will do is make harassment acceptable.


Military Recruitment.[Draft]


"As the program expands the effect will increase the Army’s ability to acquire high quality recruits will be reduced significantly."











Case Area:  Armed Forces

Case Thesis:  Attempt to get more people to serve in the Armed Forces through a draft.

Case Plan:  Enact the National Service Act of 2003

Topicality: establish: to create or found; something new.

Serve: Provide help;

The draft has been in act before and it has been disapproved. With that being said, it is not a NEW policy, and therefore not topical.

Also, there is no guarantee anybody will serve, or provide help if they do not want to be there.  The draft pulls random people out of their homes and in result, they could be useless.

Need: The draft is also not needed because recruitment levels are not down. The armed forces has met it's standards.

The country doesn't need a draft because the all-volunteer force works -- in fact, the United States has the most effective military in the world precisely because it is all-volunteer, Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers said.

"(The all-volunteer force is) efficient; it's effective; it's given the United States of America, the citizens of this great country, a military that is second to none," Myers said.

"The people that are in the armed services today … are there because they want to be there and are ready and willing and, without any question, capable of doing whatever the president may ask," Rumsfeld added.

Inherency: No barrier is listed.

Workability: This draft would be very difficult to enact because the general population would disapprove. Also, with a draft, you would have people there, but not necessarily serving.  People would not support a cause they do not believe in.  Also, if people are serving who do not wish to serve, then they could do harmful things out of bitterness.

Disadvantages: The people would be in an uproar. The draft would cost a lot of money becaue it would up the number of persons in the Armed Forces

The secretary described "notable disadvantages" to having a conscripted force. He said people are involuntarily forced to serve, some for less than they could earn on the outside. There are many exemptions, which change all the time, thus providing for unfair situations. Troops are "churned" through training, serve the minimum amount of time and leave -- thus causing more money to be spent to churn more draftees through the system.



Case Area - Senior Corp

Case Thesis - Increasing participation in Senior Corps can help alleviate many problems facing seniors and the communities in which they live.

Case Concept - USFG will increase funding to Senior Corp to provide educational and living stipends to seniors who have volunteered for 4 or more years and average more than 20 hours a week.

-Simply increasing the funding for Senior Corps will not necessarily increase the number of persons serving.  It seems as though the plan simply provides incentives for those serving four or more years with x amount of service hours, this does not guarantee an increase.

-The plan also does not say where the funding is comming from.

-This funding will either be comming from another organization, which could down the effectiveness of that organization, or it would be adding to the deficit of the United States, which is a huge disadvantage.



Case Area:  Americorps

Thesis: By doubling the funding of FY 2007 we will substantially increase the members serving.

Plan Concept: Doubling the funding will increase the members.

Doubling the funding does not guarantee any increase in the number of people serving in Americore.  You man also argue that Americore does not work as an organization, and therefore there is no need.



Case Area:  Draft

Thesis: By Enacting the Universal National Service Act of 2003 the number of members serving in the armed forces will increase.

Case Concept: Enacting the UNS Act of 2003 will increase the number of people serving in the armed forces.

Date Posted:  10/31/2006








Case Thesis: By reinstituting the  Burke-Wadsworth Selective Services act as practiced from 1948-1972, citizen participation will increase in the military and as an avoidance to military service, participation in the peace corps will also increase.

Case Plan Concept: Bring back the draft, avoid military by joining Peace Corps

The Selective Service Act is just another name for a draft. This Act was passed by the Congress of the United States on May 18, 1917. This Act gave the President the power to draft soldiers.

This plan is trying to increase the number of persons in the Peace Corps The way they want to go about this is having a military draft. The Affirmative team believes that if  there is a military draft people will try to avoid having to serve in the military. A probable way to avoid service is to join the Peace Corps There is a rule stating that Peace Corps cannot be involved with the Miltary for the obvious reason that peace and war don't work together.


Topicality: This plan is not establish an act. The draft has been existing since 1917.

Workability: This plan will not work because of the fact there is no way to guarentee people will try to avoid military service. Also, there is no guarentee that they will join the Peace Corps to avoid military service. Topicality: This plan is not topical because they are not establishing a new policy. This act has been existing since 1917. Currently, the military is trying to down size their persons so they can have a more technological military.

Need: Because the military is trying to down size their persons, they have no need to have a draft. Enacting a military draft in order to scare people away from serving in the armed forces will not guarantee an increase in the number of persons serving in the peace corps therefore making this plan not needed.




Case thesis: The current use of DADT (Don't Ask, Don’t Tell) creates an environment of paranoia, fear, harassment and inequitable treatment in the armed forces, which also deters qualified people from enlisting. Advantages include healthcare, readiness & privacy.

Case plan concept: The USFG should establish policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the armed forces by ending the 'Don't ask, Don't tell' policy.


Topicality: The resolution clearly states that you must establish a policy

Establish: create or found something new

Policy: a plan of action adopted

-The affirmative team's plan is not establishing anything let alone a policy.  In fact, they are doing just the opposite.  The Affirmative Team is suggesting it would be a better idea to eliminate an existing policy that is working.

Need: There is no need to eliminate Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't. The Affirmative plan states this policy "creates an environment of paranoia, fear, harassment and inequitable treatment in the armed forces, which also deters qualified people from enlisting."  However, I think they are forgetting the full name of the policy is Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't Persue Don't Harass.  The Don't Harass policy eliminates the "paranoia, fear, harassment and inequitable treatment in the armed forces."  Prior to the addition of the Don't Harass policy, there was actually a murder within the service members due to his sexual orientation.  After this policy was put into place, nothing of the sort has occurred.

Disadvantages: With the elimination of DADTDPDH, homosexuals will be serving openly leaving them open to discrimination, harassment, and possibly segregation.  Heterosexuals are limited on base when it comes to using certain facilities and when sleeping because of means of attraction.  As a result, homosexuals would then also have to be seperated or else it would not technically fair.



This website is an inherent barrier for the NASA plan because the Treaty of 1976 bans the government or anybody else for that matter to bring nuclear weapons, or any weapons into outer space.  In order to blow up Apophis, we would have to do so, therefore the Outer Space Treaty of 1976 would be what is currently blocking the space plan from being in act.




Case Area: Air Force

Case Thesis: Merge NASA and the Air Force to solve for a number of impending crises.

Case Plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Air Force by establishing a policy which merges National Aeronautics and Space Association (NASA) with the Air Force. NASA shall be given authority to utilize Air Force technology, personnel, and assets and vice versa. Funding and Enforcement guaranteed through normal means.




Case Area - Military draft

Case Thesis / Concept - This affirmative case argues that the United States should institute a policy of mandatory national service. The plan endorses the Universal National Service Act of 2003, which creates mandatory national service for all U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 26, either in the Armed Forces or in a civilian capacity that promotes national defense and security. The affirmative case claims two advantages from passing this legislation. The first advantage argues that low troop levels and difficulty in recruiting new volunteers have jeopardized American military readiness. Military readiness is critical to international peace and security. The second advantage claims that, as the war in Iraq drags on, low U.S. military readiness makes it more likely that Iraq will fall into chaos, causing increased terrorism and dragging down the world’s economy. The second advantage claims that the draft would prevent the use of “stop-loss orders,” which the U.S. currently uses to keep enlisted soldiers beyond their specified term of duty. These stop-loss orders are unconstitutional, and the affirmative argues that violations of the constitution must be absolutely rejected.

Argue the voluntary army is working. A draft will force people who don't want to serve therefore they would not benefit the military. In order to serve successfully you must be willing to serve. drafting also goes against american morale.



1967, not 1976.



For the Peace Corps, President Bush has proposed increasing the number of volunteers to 14,000. Doubling or even tripling the number, however, is not likely to make a perceptible difference. The question for policymakers is whether placing a substantially larger number of talented Americans in communities in less privileged countries could make a difference.

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