Post Info TOPIC: Forum #1: Words and Meanings

RE: Forum #1: Words and Meanings

Jamie Dias wrote:

what is diversity?

What is diversity to me? Diversity to me is a wide range of different people with different cultures living in the same community.Althought all those people live different or act different they still live together to form a diversity

A challenge to me in the present would have to be how there are so many different people living in one area and they are having trouble with getting along with one another and judging eachother in a way they dont want to be judged.

A success in the past is with all the different cultures living in the same area people are able to learn about one another and be introduced to how different people live.

A real life scenario would have to be all the different diversities living in New Bedford such as how there are portugese,spanish,and cape verdian people living in the same area and interacting with one another. Also, how there are different types of students in New Bedford High School.


you got it dude =]

Jerome Hardy


 What is class?

            Class is the level a group or label is placed at. This can vary depending on race, sex, location, skill, age, etc. A challenge with this is that people today still place others in a class which puts separation between us. It is mostly just race and sex. People also make jokes that are prejudice and don't realize it can be offensive to others. A success is that more and more different people in terms of skills, sex, and race are communicating with each other so no one is left behind. I remeber a new kid moved into my development. He must have felt like he was in a lower class. The only thing in his room was a bed. He came straight from Cape Verde so he had a big accent making it hard for me and my friends to understand. We invited him to play sports with us in the backyard. He struggled to learn but he did and can now be considered one of the best in our development. He can now feel like he is in the same class as everyone else. 



kevin wrote:
Winnie Z wrote:

What is peace?

Definition: Peace is non-violence amongst each and everything thing in existence. Equality also plays a part in keeping that peace.

Challenge (Today): A challenge today would be trying to keep peace amongst the people in Iraq by the soldiers. With all the fighting and such going on, peace is a much needed thing in their lives. 

Success (History): A success in history would be when Great Britain tried controlling the settlers in the U.S. and failed to do so. By failing in the attempt, over time, the tension between these two nations eventually disappeared and peace was made.

Scenario in Real Life: A scenario in real life would be gang fights and rivalries and such that happen frequently throughout many cities in the world. These things cause a disruption in the flow of peace that should be within the city.

your definition of peace is correct but there will never be absolute peace even though there can be peace between countries but there will always be turmoil within the country theft murder hate crimes rape and humans as a species will always fight for the top postion and power regardless of what the proper or right thing to do is.



Donald Venerable wrote:

The word I chose to write about was gender. I think gender maens the difference between male and female. Sexual discrimination, makes up a problem with gender. One thing that worked well for gender in a reallife situation was when women got the right to vote after they were told they couldn't that was a sucess too. One of the challenges of gender would be being a single mother.

donald is weird... but i like what you wrote.


MiKe JoNeS


nessaA wrote:

Culture is the things that make up a group of people. It's the food, the way they dress, their religion, and even how they decorate their homes.  Everyone has a culture and everyone has been influensed by another culture.  A challenge in the present that relates to culture is how some people don't understand another person's culture and they might discourage that person for being different of having different ways of doing things.  A success in the past with culture is how some cultures have spread across the world and influenced many other people.  A real life problem we have with culture is that many people in the US don't understand the culture of Middle Easturn people.  Because we don't understand how they live we tend to critsize them because they don't live the way we live and we do it to many other cultures as well.  There are people that are open-minded and are willing to learn about other cultures, but other people are just ignorant.

i agree with everything u wrote. Unity is deffinatly what this city is lacking. Maybe if we had a little bit of unity there would be less homicides and gang violence and stuff like that.



I am hopeful that the Patriot Act will be removed.  I believe if enough people in our society strive to remove it, it will eventually happen.  I believe terrorism has already given police officials enormous power over civil rights and American liberties.  When the war in Iraq ends, I believe power to the people will be restored.



 My definition of the word peace.
 New york is in challenge because the use of drugs and the violence. and the ending of any war.
 A Present change is that there is no more racisim no more slavery.
And a past change is that they use to have slavery and racisim a lot of people use to suffer.



  What is Race?

Race comes in many different shapes and sizes. I know a lot of people that have different races. It defines how people is and where they come from. It doesn't matter where your from or who you are you should always be proud of your race. one challenge is racism. Racism is such a big part of the world and it affects everybody blacks, whites etc. One of the success is Martin Luther King Jr. helped stop racism around the world. Because of his activism today, racism is not a big factor like it was back then even though there are still some issues in the world.

Kate Snell


Mason. wrote:

The word that I had was class.  The definition I got for class was:  social rank; a social stratum sharing basic economic, political, or cultural characteristics and having the same social position.

I think that in the present day the challenge for classes in the United States is based on race and and how much money you make.  I think that most white, wealthy people are held in higher positions then say African Americans. Even though most racism has been taken care of, I still think that that idea is still in some people's heads just because of how they were raised or from a personal experience.  I think that because of this sometimes races, that aren't white, aren't respected as much or are even considered a lower class.

A previous success for class was Women's Rights.  Before it was written that women should be treated as equals in the Constitution women were considered a lower class then men.  It was very unfair.   They fought for their rights and won them and got what they wanted.  The y now had the ability to do anything that a man was allowed to do, like vote.

The real-life scenario that I thought could relate to class was this.  I thought  that maybe the different socialgroups in a school could be considered, maybe, like different social classes.  I thought that maybe a higher social class might be preppy, and a lower social class might be nerdy kids.  I don't really know if this is true in New BEdford High School or not, but I know for a fact that this is true at Dartmouth High School having attended it for 3 years of high school. 

You definately explained that thouroughly.   I've noticed the same thing going on in society.  It's definately true about what you said about the classes in school.  It's really easy to notice too.  But i feel its the same in every high school. The jocks and cheerleaders are the upperclass, and the nerds are the lower class. then you have the students in the middle which make up the middle class.  As much as i would like to see this issue of class just change (or even just go away), i know it will be around forever. It's how we seperate everything.



Unity to me means teamwork and working together on the same team to accomplish the same goal or overcome an obstacle. A place were unity is lacking is in Korea a good example of unity is the United Nations.  The United Nations have come together to try and solve a major problem in Iraq they are a good example of unity.




The word I had was culture.  In the dictionary, culture is described as the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.  In my words,  culture is the way of life of a certain group of people.  For instance, culture is beliefs, values, behaviors, and certain ways people accept and are passed on from generation to generation.  Culture is passed along through communication and the way people act and interact with each other.  Culture is something that distinguishes one individual from another, that's what makes it so special.

A challenge in the present for culture is the cultural challenge in Germany.  Two German states were separated for 40 years and, economically and politically speaking, they were two completely different versions of Germany.  However, they both share a cultural basis and that's what keeps them connected- they're common cultural traditions.

A success in the past for culture was the discovering of how the acknowledgement of cultural or social issues can improve education.  An example of this is when a Sikh student wouldn't remove his turban for a physical education class.  This resulted in the student being suspended from class.  In the end, however, the student and the teacher discussed their cultural differences and came to an agreement.  The student could wear his turban in addition to his other gym clothes.  This is a success because the gym teacher got to an understanding of the Sikh student's culture and was able to truly understand where his student was coming from.

A real life scenario about culture is just like the successful culture story you just read above.  Everyday there's conflicts between different individuals as a result of a cultural difference.  That's why the story is such a success, because the conflict was resolved through reasoning and talking.  A major conflict today is the cultural differences and the lack to understand other cultures that one may not know.



XxMike JOnesxX wrote:

Too me the word power means having control over anything and everything. A present challenge in todays  world dealing with power would be the fight over in Iraq. The U.S soldiers are trying to take all the power that al quida has in Iraq away to make that country a democracy. A past event dealing with power would be WW2.  The Allied countries stopped Adolf Hitler from taking complete power in the eastrn Continents.
a real life scenario is happeneing in north korea . Kim Jong il is rtying to take control over sounth korea.

I really understand what you mean and really agree with everything you said.  Power could be a good thing but if you don't use it the right way it could get really out of hand. I didn't even know about the whole North Korea thing so I even got to learn something new. Thanx for the info.!!



I love u mason and i like your point of view



I agree with you that many people are just ignorant and just aren't open and understanding of other people's culture that they may not understand or aren't used to.  Also, I too believe that culture is influenced by other cultures.  I did culture for a word too and I think you used a good approach.



MiKe JoNeS wrote:
nessaA wrote:

Culture is the things that make up a group of people. It's the food, the way they dress, their religion, and even how they decorate their homes.  Everyone has a culture and everyone has been influensed by another culture.  A challenge in the present that relates to culture is how some people don't understand another person's culture and they might discourage that person for being different of having different ways of doing things.  A success in the past with culture is how some cultures have spread across the world and influenced many other people.  A real life problem we have with culture is that many people in the US don't understand the culture of Middle Easturn people.  Because we don't understand how they live we tend to critsize them because they don't live the way we live and we do it to many other cultures as well.  There are people that are open-minded and are willing to learn about other cultures, but other people are just ignorant.

i agree with everything u wrote. Unity is deffinatly what this city is lacking. Maybe if we had a little bit of unity there would be less homicides and gang violence and stuff like that.

I agree with you that many people are just ignorant and just aren't open and understanding of other people's culture that they may not understand or aren't used to. Also, I too believe that culture is influenced by other cultures. I did culture for a word too and I think you used a good approach.



Jaimie wrote:

     Gender is what you are classified depending on if you are a male of female. It also makes you different from a male/female, in some ways how you look, but really I feel as though a male and a female are equal in all other aspects. These aspects would be that they are equally strong, powerful, intelligent and should also be respected equally.
     I think a challenge in our world that included gender would be giving women the right to vote. They could not vote because they were not a male. There was no reason at all. They just had no rights. As time went by they succeeded and got their right to vote.
    A challenge that is still a problem today is women cannot become president. No female has ever became a president and I feel as though that issue is based on gender.

-- Edited by mre at 16:15, 2007-01-31

Jaimie, what do you think of Hillary Clinton running for president now?  Did you ever hear about Shirley Chisholm?  She was an African American woman who ran for president in 1972.  She was VERY cool and she spoke a great deal of truth on a lot of matters and issues that other people avoided.



Amanda wrote:

What is power?


 Power is having the ability and willingness to make changes and be a leader.  It is having authority and control.  It can be both positive and negative, leaders can abuse their own power, but they can also use it to make changes for the better of their people.

Challenge in the present:

A challenge that deals with power that we face in the present is that much of the country disagrees on how much power the President should have over the armed forces in Iraq.  There are people who are against the war and feel that it should end, but the President feels that troops should stay in Iraq.


Power in history:

An example of how power has been successful in history is in World War II when the U.S. used their power as a nation to fight and stop Nazi Germany from taking control over Europe.


Real life scenario:

George Bush has said that all countries who wish to send anything into space must first get the approval of the United States.  If the United States feels that another country’s space exploration could be harmful to the U.S., then the U.S. could deny them the right to do so.  This shows that the U.S. feels that it has the power to control space.

Amanda, do you think that has something to do with the fact that China launched a missile into space and destroyed one of their satellites as a test?  Should the US have the kind of power that it does in the world today, or does might make right?



Nathan Vidal wrote:

I had #8 which is, what is activism?

Action to acheive a desired goal.

Describe a challenge in the past:
When the United States declared war on Iraq to stop terrorism.

Describe a challenge in the present:
The execution of Saddam Hussein, to get rid of the Iraqi leader and mastermind.

Describe in a real-life scenario:
In order to pass the class (the goal) you must have the want to study and work hard in the class and do your homework (the action).

Hi,my name is julissa and i have a 2 year old son. I'm still with my baby father and i dont even want to image what would happen if me and him brake up. Because i grew up without a father so i woundn't want my son to grow up without his father.

Robert A.


What is Race? 

        1 Race is the different kinds of people in the world. It is your backround and heritage.
        2 There are stiil many challenges involving race. Even thought people don't like to admit 
           people still look down on certain races for there color and backround. But one success
           is that now at least in America everyone has the same rights and they are upheld by 
        3 A real-life scenario is New Bedford. There are many different races and because of
           that people in citys like New Bedford are a lot more open minded and a lot more

Michael Depina


my word is diversity,to me the definition of diversity is:
  1. The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
  2. A point or respect in which things differ.
  3. Variety or multiformity: “Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection” (Scientific American).

Today,people disagree with a lot of things when it comes to life,intelligence,sports and even video games due to diversity.

Martin Luther King Jr. fought against diversity and tried to bring about equality.



Hey carmen,

       Hey girl you know what your absoultly right. Women have the same write as Men. Women  can do the same things  that men can do . Although at times men know how to do somthing better and then at other times women can do things better. Although many men think that have more right or should i say power. O BOY are they wronge because just because we are women dosent mean we are not as stronge or powerful. Thats why Men have to reliaze that we can do everything that can do.

                love you

                   Tiff Vee





       Class, i dont think any one should we look at by there class because it dosent make you who you are it just shows how much money you have and at what standard levels you are in . But it dosent mean that if your in a hgh class that your better then someone in a lower class. We are all the same, we are all human beings and share all the same feelings .

             love always

          Tiff Vee



hey amanda

 having power dosent make you better, american has so much power that we dont even use it although sometimes we use it in the wronge ways . I dont agree with us being in iraq we  have so much more power over them.

    love always

       tiff vee56




       Your right culture is what kind of food you eat, the way you dress, even sometimes the way you talk. But that how ever dose not make you the person who you are culture only defines i guess what you belive in . This is my oppinion.

love always

Tiff  vee




        do you ever think that we will ever have peace NO because there will always be problems with someone not everyone is forced to like everyone else. That brings much problems to america because we have alot of power and that makes other coutries mad and at other times. Also because sometimes other courtries want what we have that brings problems.

love always

Tiff vee




 Race dose indead come in different shape or size . This dose not make you who you are  just like you said but do you think that race sepatres people from getting to know other people.

love always

Tiff vee



Class dose not make you who you are i agee



i agree

katie d



Gender is the difference between the male body/mind-set and the female body/mind-set.

Present Challenge:
Sexual Descrimination is still a lil bit of a problem today. even though it has been toned down a lot since say the 50's, it totally still exists.

Past Success:
Women's rights. Girls finally being able to do the things boys could do after so many years of 'Men Are The Bigger People'.

I think that more people are starting be more comfortable about gender, and talking about it where is wasnt acceptable before. and theres a lot more openness with the gay and trans-gender population.

Ashley Rego


Race is a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock. It is also a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics. Race is the difference between you and I. Race means a lot of different things.
The challenge that deals with race today is rasicm. The success that deals with race is the Civil Rights movement. A real life seneiro would be a person using s racist slure toward another person in our society.



Grades updated - March 9th

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