Mason wrote: What happens when people are judged by the way they look? When people are judged by the way that they look, people are not treated with equal respect and are not treated fairly.
What is prejudice? List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others. Prejudice is when someone doesn't like someone or something because of a biased opinion. Some examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype othes is the color of skin, ethnic background, accents, and sexual orientation.
What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people? Slavery is an example of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people.
Why do you think some people are prejudiced? I think that some people are prejudiced because when they grew up their parents or the people around them are prejudiced too and they get their views from them and how they treat other people. What is tolerance? List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others. Tolerance is when you can accept people for who they are and you can tolerate things that you may not approve of but you aren't going to take it personally or take it into your own hands to get rid of it. Someone who is Jewish may not believe the same things as someone who is Catholic or Christian but they still tolerate each other and talk to each other regardless of what their personal beliefs are.
What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity? By respecting other people you might be able to learn about someone else's culture or background. What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity? I think that by respecting diversity the world would be a better place because people wouldn't have as many issues with each other. Most of the problems in the world nowadays are there because someone doesn't approve of someone elses beliefs of even what their ancestors did.
What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time? When people practice intolerance for a long period of time the group of people that they are intolerant towards may start to go against the normal practice of not tolerating them.There will probably be a movement to make people realize that they are just as good as anyone else and no one should be prejudiced against them. What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons? I think that we need to teach tolerance in school systems early on in someone’s life so that while they are younger they can become more friendly with everyone and see everyone as a person and not a color, religion, or anything else that might set a person apart from another. Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice? I think that this film does deepen my understanding of racism because it kind of made me realize that calling someone black or what ever is kind of racist in itself and I also had no idea that places in the south were still kind of segregated. How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views?It kind of confirms what I thought about them because they are just not as well informed as people who are not racist. They only knows the views of people who are racist and have never considered a thought that isn’t racist.Once they get an idea about people being equal they kind of start to realize what they thought before was wrong.
Mason, I really liked your answers to these questions. In fact, I think your thoughts may help keep prejudice from taking over people's lives.
What happens when people are judged by the way they look? They get criticized, which isn't right. People should be treated with respect and shouldn't be judged, especially when you don't know how they truly are.
What is prejudice? List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others. It's when you get criticized by the color of your skin, or by your race. Some examples that people judge others are by: People in the hallways talk about you that don't even know you, and their friends go along with it because they think its cool. Not knowing what race you really are while they assume things, which shows how fake people are. Another example is when people try starting with you because of jealousy, and their friends go along with it, not knowing where you came from and how you were brought up.
What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people? One example of prejudice is when people say things about you using racial remarks. Another example is when people in the halls say things in the hallways and bring up another persons race in an inappropriate way. Why do you think some people are prejudiced?It could be a lot of reasons. One example could be jealousy. Another reason could be the way they wear different clothing.
What is tolerance? List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others.
Tolerance is when you deal with a situation in a logical way. Meaning respecting different types of people no matter what their race is.
What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity?
People who treat people respectfully get treated respectfully. People who are disrespected get treated that way.
What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity?
The United States gain respect when people are treated equal with different types of races. The lost of not respecting diversity is poor judgment that could have to do with the president. What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time?
If people act intolerant over a period of time they could get in trouble with people and the law.
What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons?
People can join a club or attend different activities with positive influences, with people that encourage respectful things.
Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice? Yes, it shows how people are racist. For example, the difference between the cemetery how the blacks where on one side and the white people where on the other.
How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views?
It shows how people are disrespectful if they are racist. In my opinion, I’m not a racist person. I get along with everyone until they disrespect me.
PART III: I think that the issue should be addressed more publicly. A lot of people aren’t aware that these things aren’t going on now in days but that’s not true because racism is still very much around.If everyone went under one thought process and came together for this cause I think we could make a difference and also help address these issues to our community.Honestly I don’t think anything much is actually going to happen.Society always seems to want to change but when they get the chance they leave it to the side and say that there are more important things that need to be dealt with first.I don’t think people actually take it seriously. First of all, society has to realize that this is a very serious issue that needs to be dealt with quick because it will only get progressively worse and worse if it is left alone and not dealt with. I think that us as students should be the ones to push that these issues be taken seriously.If teachers and other adults see how much we want this to be dealt with they’ll truly see the need for a change.If we just stay quiet and act like it doesn’t affect us in any way nothing is going to be done about it. It may not affect us directly, but it is affecting our peers and others who go to school with us everyday.We should think about them and not so much about ourselves.
Mason wrote: Do you think life in Jasper changed after the trials? If so, how? Consider the following comments: “I’ve change my views partially. . . . I don’t want to have anything to dowith the Aryan Circle, the Aryan Brotherhood, or the gangs. . . . Bottomine is that you’ve got to treat people, all people, the way you want to betreated, know what I mean? That’s what I do now. I used to not do that.” - Trent Smith “The black community and the white community have made very realefforts to speak to one another perhaps more than we ever did, to makeeye contact, to be more concerned, I think, than we ever were before.And I think that’s been having an impact.” - Father Ron Fosage “We can’t change a white man’s heart, how they feel and think about us.We can expose it, like we did with Bill King. . . but you can’t necessarilychange it. You live with it.” — Walter Diggles
I do think that life in Jasper changed after the trials. I think that both the African Americans and the White Americans in Jasper are both less prejudice towards each other.I think that they realize that racism will most likely always be a factor everywhere and you can’t really abolish it completely.But I do think that they will try their hardest to make relations between the two groups as good as possible so that life can be as enjoyable as possible.
In Jasper, the fence dividing the town cemetery into black and white sections symbolized divisions in the community at large. Do similar symbols exist in your community? Would it make a difference to dismantle them? If so, how might you begin that process?I don’t think that anything like the fence dividing the graveyard exists anywhere in New Bedford.If there was something like that and it was dismantled I think that it would make a difference and I think that you could probably begin that process by maybe making a petition for a bunch of people in school or the city to sign and bring it to someone who could do something about it.
Are the attitudes of people in the film similar to attitudes in your own community? If so, would viewers of this film therefore come away knowing more about you and your community? Is there any way in which viewers might be misled about you or your community?
I don’t know of anybody that is really racist, I mean I know people who joke about it once in a while but they don’t mean any harm.I don’t think that this video portrays anything in my community. I think that the only thing that would be anything close to what happened in Jasper, TX would be the whole thing last year at Puzzle’s with Jacob Robida and that was for a whole different reason. No one in this community is really seriously racist around here that I know of.
You made a lot of good points. Good job!! But i do think that in our community there is soe sense of racism. It isn't to the extent that it was in the movie but it's hidden and more secretive which in a way is worse.!! Well that's my opinion!! But you did make a lot of good points!! Good job!
I think they should have the Whites and the Blackpeoples of Jasper, Texas and have them have a huge meeting and talk bout there differences and what not and see if they can work something out. They should have more things to do in the city for the whites & blacks to group with one another and try to coup with each other without violence. I cant tell what will be done for I do not live in the community. If I could do anything I would go to racially divided towns and talk to there kids in the community and see how they are living and tell them how it is over here and maybe get them to work things out with one another kinda like the jewish and arab children did.
I think if something like this happens again in a racist community like that then they should try to get the community to come together and help the families that lost someone. I think alot will be done if this happens again because that was almost 10 years ago and alot has changed and the goverment would do something to help out.As a member of the community in the world i would like everyone to get along instead of wars happening and people fighting for no reason.
You made a good point! I think everyone agrees with you when you said that you would rather everyone get along then wars be going on. I think the same way!! But if we want that to happen the issue of racism needs to be completely swiped out!! Even though racism isn't that known around here there are still ideas of it and that needs to be dealt with! But good job answering your question and proving your point!!
The gathering places in this city is church and school. These are the two most comfortable gathering places in the community. They are not segregated. To create a space just to gather may take some time but it could happen. All of the spaces should be integrated but eventually it would be divided into certain groups as time goes by.
I do not think that the insights of the film go beyond the racism between blacks and whites.The whole town waqs divided only between the two races.However, there does not seem like there is much diversity in that town so it is hard to say whether there would be racism with any other races. Although if there were, I feel that there would be racism that goes beyond relations between blacks and whites.
The significance of the films title is to show that because of all the racism in that city, That one town seems like it is split between two cities of whites and blacks.I saw the town of Jasper as being separate but equal.
The black peoples reaction to the murder and the trials were that the three men accussed needed to be punished and sentenced to death.On the other side, the white peoples reaction was quite different.They felt that while awaiting trial the the three men should be out on a bail.They also thought that James Byrd should be judged by the type of man he was and not by the way he died.
The racism in the town accounts for the difference in opinion about the trials and murders between the whites and the blacks.
The actions and perceptions of individuals in the film are influenced by their race because of all the racism in the town.There are a lot of people there that feel they are superior to the other races in the town.For Example, like the white power tatoos.They are also influenced by other things.The major issues in my opinion are family relations and personality traits on how they deal with anger and grief.I feel that the racism stems from their upbringing.Another is the fact that some are racist because they’ve been a victim of racism and now feel the need to give off the same negative hatred.That is the only way they know how to deal with racism and get revenge.
If I had the power to make a list of people in my community who should view this film I would show it to anyone who has committed a hate crime, anyone who has been a victim, anyone I know that is racist, and anyone who just wants to view the film for their own knowledge to what is going on in our own country.To get the people on my list to view the film I would trick them and tell them that the film is for something else if there was a problem.However, I don’t really know anyone personally who is racist.
We could “come together” by having all different diversities have an event in our community for everyone to attend so we all could learn about different ethnicities.
We should keep doing what we’re doing and make sure it is drilled in peoples heads that racism is wrong and will not be tolerated.
When people are judged by the way they look they feel different than how they feel around people who don't judge them. Like lets say they go to school and everyone there judges them, they feel less confident, less secure, and more uncomfortable then they do if they were at home around people that don't judge them. People shouldn't be judged just on the way they look because everyone in the world looks a different way.No one is just like some one else unless they are identical twins.
Prejudice is when people are hateful against other people because of race, religion, sexuality, the type of clothes they wear, and just generally things that are skin deep.Like when you watch TV and you hear “pit bull dog bites little child and leaves him scared for life”.People start to think that pit bull dogs are all vicious and that you can’t trust them and all these bad things, just because they heard of one dog doing it.I have four pit bulls, two boys and two girls and they are the most loving dogs I’ve own.They would protect me and the people in my home until they can’t any more.The key to owning dogs is knowing how to train them.Any dog can bite someone.Chihuahua’s are more likely to bite a person than a pit bull is, but because Paris Hilton has one they’re seen to be “cute” and really they are mean dogs.And people do the same with people.They hear on TV that a black man shot another man.They don’t hear the reason why and they don’t bother to learn the reason why and all of a sudden they stereotype black people all because of one persons actions.
I think that some people are prejudice because they parents are prejudice and that the opinion was nurtured all their life and they never grew out of thinking that way.Some people don’t grow up or better them selves from their parents.
Tolerance is when you can take an amount of one thing until a certain point.Like how the black man in the video said how when a white man killed a black man everyone stayed quiet to not make any more trouble.They tolerated the killings so there wouldn’t be more than what there was.I don’t think people should have to tolerate being treated differently though.
When people respect people they earn respect back.Respect feels good.But when someone disrespects people, other people don’t respect them unless they are just as rude and disrespectful as them.Respect is an important thing and no one should take it for granted.
I think that the world loses respect for not respecting diversity because the world is diverse.The US is particularly ignorant because we are the nation that is mixed with the world and we have at least one person of every culture living here, and our nation treats people like differently and wrong because they do things different.
When people practice intolerance over a long period of time people will probably kill off the human race.If people aren’t tolerant then they can be very mean, hateful, and hurtful people.Respect, tolerance, and diversity are some things we need in our lives to live with one another.
I’m not sure what people can do to create an environment that encourages respect and peace, but if someone does know a way to do it, I’m all for it!
I’ve always knew things like this have happened in our world but I’ve never liked it.I know how it feels to be put against because of something that I can’t help.Sometimes I think that the white people that are prejudice should be treated how they treat other people and maybe, just maybe they wouldn’t like it too much.But then again, there are some sick people in our world.
It makes me think that those people never grew up, they never developed their own opinion to people and they never realized just how much they hurt people.When the man that was in the first trial walked out of that court room smiling, I was sick to my stomach.I couldn’t even begin to talk about how I feel about that movie because it would be a story.
wow. it's easy to tell that you feel strongly about how bad ignorance and prejudice are. i agree with you 100%.
Part II: Group Questions What insights does the film provide to people whose exploration of racism goes beyond relations between blacks and whites? What is the significance of the film’s title? Describe the reaction of each “town” to the murder and the trials. What accounts for the differences? In what ways are the actions and perceptions of individuals in the film influenced by their race, and in what ways are they influenced by other factors such as gender, generation, family relationships, or personality traits like how people deal with anger and grief? The insights that the film provides to people were that the issue of racism was delved into more deeply and to show that thoughts about other races were the result of older generation teachings. The significance of the film’s title was to show that in the town of Jasper, two races were living together in the town but basically everything was separated into two. Some examples would be the cemetery that had been fenced down the middle to separate whites from blacks and the different stores, shops, and activity places like nightclubs that were frequented by mostly each race to their own. The reaction of each ‘town’ to the murder and the trials were somewhat the same and yet different nonetheless. The white portion of the town that the film interviewed seemed more indifferent to the murder than that of the black portion of the town. The people that the white crew had interviewed seemed to me that they were more than willing to give the murderers a life sentence rather than the death sentence. However, on the other side, the people that the black crew interviewed, they had been more than angry at the fact that the third guy didn’t get the death sentence when his other two buddies did. The reasons for the differences are that some of the townspeople still base their opinions on racial differences and the relationships that everyone had with each other. The actions and perceptions of individuals in the film are influenced by their race in that their thoughts about what should be done to those in the trials were different. The ways that they were influenced by other factors would be the town cemetery that was divided in two due to how it had been back in the past. The fence was never taken down due to a factor of things mostly being that it had been just there and no one bothered to take it down. If you had the power to make Two Towns of Jasper required viewing for some people in your town, city, or community, who would be on your list? How might you arrange a screening for the people on your list?If I had the power to make “Two Towns of Jasper” a required movie to view, I would probably make the whole city watch it. This movie may not appeal much to the young generation by which I mean elementary school levels but besides those, everyone else should watch this. Events of this caliber should be broadcasted to let people become aware of the fact that racism is still very much alive contrary to the belief of some. The final line of the film is “Coming together, that’s what we need.” How do we do that? How might you create a place in your community where people can “come together”?I would create a place in the community where people can “come together” by maybe clubs or organizations where people can come to learn more about each other culturally and individually.
What happens when people are judged by the way they look?!? *When people are judged by the way they look they aren't really given a chance. You don't know everything about a person just by looking at them. So by making a set opinion of someone just by looking at them is ignorant-because most of the time your first opinion is wrong.
What is prejudice? *Prejudice is when you judge one person or a group of people.
What are some examples of prejudice, resulting in unfair treatment of people? *During segregation black people were treated very unfairly by white people. I look back on that and say, omg how could people treat people that way. It just didn't make sense to me, not only the segregation issue-but anyone whose prejudice against someone else.
Why do you think some people are prejudice? *I think some people are prejudice because they're taught that by their families. I also think maybe people had a bad experience from someone from another cultural background-so maybe they took it out on a whole cultural background.
What is tolerance? *Tolerance is respecting other people regardless of their cultural background, religious beliefs..etc.
What do you gain or loose from respecting or not respecting other's diversity? *By respecting other's diversity you are learning about another culture's background, by not respecting you're just building a wall around you and you're being narrow minded to learning more about other cultures.
What do you think the United States would gain or loose by respecting or not respecting other's diversity? *The United States would gain the knowledge of other cultures, but I also think people in the United States would get along better.
What do you think can happen when people practice intolerance for a long time? *They teach intolerance. It becomes a part of them and everything they do.
What can people do to create an environment that respects all people? *People need to start respecting other people. People also need to stop judging people. There can't be a barrier between cultures-because if there is people will never get along.
Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prujudice? *Yeah. It's funny because through the whole movie I kept reminding myself that this didn't happen that long ago. The movie actually made me feel sick. I knew there were still racist people around-but it shocked me that someone would go to that extent.
It contradicts what I believe about people who have racist views because I would never imagine doing that to someone. I don't care if you're racist or not, that is unimaginable and I still can't really come to terms with it. The tattoos were unnecissary and is just a sign saying that they're ingorant-which I'd expect from a racist person because they are ignorant. They don't care about anyone's opinions, views, culture, background, way of life, or anything-so I guess you could call them selfish too!
Part 2-Group Questions
How is your community like or unlike the town of Jasper? *The town of Jasper is unlike New Bedford because we're way more diverse. We don't have seperate churches, or seperate cemetaries. Different people interact in this city-and although wherever you go there'll be prejudice, I haven't seen many example here except for the "hallway talk" at school, but nothing serious. We've been exposed to more cultures and I guess we just appreciate the difference more than other places. I think racism in this town has diminshed over time. To diminish the instances of racism that goes on, I think one of the best ways is to teach the children. Because they're the future generation, their minds are just begginning to form opinions and gain knowledge, and before they go to school and see it or see it on tv it's better to teach them. The causes that led to this crime in Jasper is ignorance and prejudice. It was 3 men who didn't care about anyone but themselves and took it upon themselves to end someone else's life. I think something like that could happen anywhere, even though I feel like this city isn't as likely because we are diverse-but when you think about it that doesn't matter sometimes. Crimes can happen anywhere. You see it on tv all the time, it was the perfect neighborhood and the perfect family-the last place you'd think a murder would happen. But they happen everywhere, it only takes that one person. Last year when the incident at Puzzles happened, I was really bothered by it. I couldn't believe someone could do something like that. I cried when I saw it on tv, because these are innocent people. Someone shouldn't be attacked because they are gay, black, jewish, etc. People should feel free to be themselves without being judged. I just want to see people respect each other. Respect can go a long way. I think classes like this should be offered to students in the elementary school and in junior high, because this all stuff most of us were told as children; to respect people and to treat people the way you'd like to be treated. Some of us learned that and some of us haven't.
What happens when people are judged by the way they look?People start to create stereotypes and don’t get to know people for who they really are. Then the people who have created the stereotype and up teaching them to their children and the younger generation, and it winds up getting passed down for years and years.What is prejudice? List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others. Prejudice is something someone thinks about a certain person or group of people without actually knowing anything about them.
If a family is prejudice against a certain group, it becomes the normal thing to think. Parents teach their children, maybe unintentionally, how to think about that group, and it winds up getting passed down from generation to generation for years and years. Suddenly ALL the people in that group act exactly the same, and they all have the same faults and issues, and the stereotype of an entire group begins to take effect.
What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people? Prejudice basically IS the unfair treatment of people. If you start to think something about someone, sooner or later you can start to believe it to be true because you never found out otherwise. That can affect the way you treat them. Like if you looked at a person of a certain race or culture and assumed they were loud and crazy because other people of that group are loud and crazy, you can like shy away from them and say you don’t like them because of how they act, even though you didn’t get to know them and you don’t know how they really act.Why do you think some people are prejudiced?Because they’re different. If you look at someone that isn’t exactly like you, you don’t know what they’re about, so you can jump to conclusions about them make unfair assumptions.What is tolerance? List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others. To me tolerance is freedom from Bigotry, and being able to handle someone’s religious, cultural, and ethnic beliefs even though they’re different from your own. Marriages in which both people have different religious beliefs involve tolerance and respect. If one person has grown up having been taught ONE thing and believing ONE thing, It’s going to be hard, if not impossible for them to change that belief. If the person they marry has a completely different belief, they need to be able to respect the way the other person thinks, and not try to make them change their beliefs so they can be the same.What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity? By respecting others diversity, you gain respect in return. No one wants to have themselves or their culture stereotyped. There isn’t really anything you can gain from not respecting other people except more enemies.What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity? I think the US has done a relatively good job with respecting diversity. In some countries, people from other places are not even allowed in. Of course, we’ve had some problems with lack of respect, but there honestly cant be a place that hasn’t. I don’t think we should be held in the HIGHEST regards, but personally I feel a fair amount of respect is necessary, not unlike most of the countries out there…What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time? Wars can break out, people can get killed, hate crimes can take place. Lots and lots of things.What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons? There can be something like free speeches or assembly type things at like a local organization or something. Like if we had something like that here, it could happen at the YMCA or outside City Hall or something. Have people from all over the country come and talk about what it means to have respect, and what it means to be open and accept people for who they are and to hell with what people think of you for socializing with people outside your ‘group’. Maybe if people went to listen to someone they don’t have to listen to all the time, it might get through to them. Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice? Not really. I understand better what racism can bring about, and that some people are going to be prejudice no matter what happens to them, but I still don’t understand HOW racism and prejudice started in the first place. Was it just because someone different that someone had never seen before came walkin down the street and that person was like “OHMAN! I don’t know you you’re a freak I don’t like you at ALL!” ? I guess its one of those things that I’m not going to understand properly no matter what because its not something I believe in myself.How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views? Personally, I feel racism and prejudice is pointless. People are people no matter what they look like, or where they come from. I wish that people would judge each other based on personality and actions. I guess my beliefs are all over about this, so there really doesn’t seem to be anything to confirm or contradict. The movie came at the subject from a lot of people’s views, and honestly I think it may have confused me a little bit more as to why people can feel that way about an entire race of people without KNOWING each of them personally and KNOWING that they are all ‘terrible’ people…
Our city has many gathering places such as churches, festivals, parties, holidays and sports. And it's a gathering of people from different types of races and religions and we usally get along pretty good.
What are the gathering places in your community? Are they segregated or integrated? Churches are gathering places the integrated any type of race can be joined in a church.
Are there places in your community where people from different groups can gather comfortably? If not, might you be able to create such a space?Should all spaces be integrated, or is it appropriate for a community to have some segregated spaces? The libary is a place were all kids of race goes there and they dont say anything because its open to the public. We can creat any space we want if we had to. Every space should be integrated so every learns about evryones life and the world can be one.
Two Towns of Jasper’s camera lens allows blacks to “sit in” on conversations between whites and vice versa, giving both groups an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. What do you know about the perspectives and experiences of people in your community whose ethnicity, race, or religion are different from yours? Are there people who cross between groups? Where does your information about people different from you come from? Are you satisfied that this information is complete and accurate? What kinds of sources would provide others with the most accurate information about you? What can you do to support or promote accurate information sources in your community? That they may not look like i do or even talk like I do but there still a person they still have feelings and has emotion. There is always a rude person that does something stupid and wants nothing to do with the people that are not like them. Its accurate because it teaches use a lot of differnent things if it wasnt for books movies family and friends we wouldnt know anything about other cultures. Like my culture it can be learned about me or books or even movies. I can look up other cultures on the computer i can read book or even talk to my friends who maybe from there so i can support accurate information.
Kate Snell! wrote: Part II: Group Questions Group #3
In New Bedford, there are many gathering places and they are, for the most part, integrated.One example is the Dartmouth Mall.Friday and Saturday nights are the times that most young teens go to the mall (in packs).Most of the groups are integrated, but there is an occasional segregated group.I don’t think they are purposely segregated.But for the most part the mall has integrated groups.Another example is the school itself.The environment is integrated but most of the groups (at least I’ve noticed) are very much segregated.I noticed a lot of racism too.Just listening to what is around me, it’s kind of sick to hear what some people say.I also find it kind of sad that in such a diverse community that a lot of people segregate themselves and regularly make racist remarks. Personally, I think everyone in this community should be able to gather around together comfortably, but I don’t really see it happening yet.I think if some people want to segregate themselves, then it’s fine; as long as they aren’t forced into it or they aren’t forcing others out.We definitely have a lot of work to do before we are completely integrated. I have been around people who are different from myself forever.Cultural, religious, sexual differences etc are something that should be embraced by people instead of feared.I feel the only reason why people are racist or prejudiced is because they are afraid of being unique. I have all of my knowledge and understanding of different people from life in general.Just being around different people all the time and befriending different people showed me things I didn’t understand.
I definately agree with you about the mall and even school, people should definately interact with each other more, we need to appreciate our differences.
I believe when there is a story like that one we should have what you call an eye for an eye or what goes around comes around. If they get the same treatment we would not as many crimes as we get. People would be to afraid to do anything because if they get caught then they would get hurt the same way. Life in jail seems real simple and you can get fed, take showers, lift weights, and play ball. I mean if I was dead poor with no food or house i would commit a crime and survive better in jail. I would love to do something about this it would take more than a class to change whats going on in this country.
I do not think that the insights of the film go beyond the racism between blacks and whites.The whole town waqs divided only between the two races.However, there does not seem like there is much diversity in that town so it is hard to say whether there would be racism with any other races. Although if there were, I feel that there would be racism that goes beyond relations between blacks and whites.
The significance of the films title is to show that because of all the racism in that city, That one town seems like it is split between two cities of whites and blacks.I saw the town of Jasper as being separate but equal.
The black peoples reaction to the murder and the trials were that the three men accussed needed to be punished and sentenced to death.On the other side, the white peoples reaction was quite different.They felt that while awaiting trial the the three men should be out on a bail.They also thought that James Byrd should be judged by the type of man he was and not by the way he died.
The racism in the town accounts for the difference in opinion about the trials and murders between the whites and the blacks.
The actions and perceptions of individuals in the film are influenced by their race because of all the racism in the town.There are a lot of people there that feel they are superior to the other races in the town.For Example, like the white power tatoos.They are also influenced by other things.The major issues in my opinion are family relations and personality traits on how they deal with anger and grief.I feel that the racism stems from their upbringing.Another is the fact that some are racist because they’ve been a victim of racism and now feel the need to give off the same negative hatred.That is the only way they know how to deal with racism and get revenge.
If I had the power to make a list of people in my community who should view this film I would show it to anyone who has committed a hate crime, anyone who has been a victim, anyone I know that is racist, and anyone who just wants to view the film for their own knowledge to what is going on in our own country.To get the people on my list to view the film I would trick them and tell them that the film is for something else if there was a problem.However, I don’t really know anyone personally who is racist.
We could “come together” by having all different diversities have an event in our community for everyone to attend so we all could learn about different ethnicities.
We should keep doing what we’re doing and make sure it is drilled in peoples heads that racism is wrong and will not be tolerated.
I agree completely on your views of the reasons why the town was the way it is. I think the way that you would make the people view the film would be quite interesting to see if it ever came to that. ^.^ Tee hee. But overall, good stuffs Sabrina, good stuffs. ^.^
I think it was a start that all three men were convicted and put to death or in jail.The town of Jasper should be shown their ignorance andbe taight about tolerance and how to all come together as a community.
There is a lot that should be done.They should take out the gate seperating the graveyard.Tattoo palors should not be allowed to give someone racist tattoos.They should also learn to be fair and be shown what is important and what isn’t, like about the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday and the town rodeo parade.
I am not sure exactly what will be done .That town is extremely ignorant and is stuck on old negative habits.If some people not just white and not just black should step up, speak out and try to make a difference.
The only thing we can do is practice and preach no racism or discrimination. We can also show that anything of that nature will not be tolerated in our community. Lastely we should be raised and raise our children and future generations the right way and teach them to see people for their character not by their diversities.
What do you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? I think there should be more movies about it or even more books so people know that it is wrong what you do and how you can hurt someone and there family. People would realize the pain and misory that they are doing to someones life by just even watching a movie about it. The law would be more sticture whwn it comes to violent crimes so that know one will get away with what they do to an innocent person. I think that we should write a letter to the presedent so he can do somthing about the violence when it comes to racal discriminations because a lot of people think they can get away with it because they are white but its not fair and i think they should stop that.
Part 2 What are the demographics of your community? How is it like or unlike Jasper? Through the course of the film, viewers see varied expressions of racism, from extreme white supremacism to mundane stereotyping. What forms of racism are present in your community right now? Have the forms of racism changed over time? What actions can you take to diminish the instances of racism you have identified?
In New Bedford there are so many different races and backgrounds, the people in New Bedford are black, white, asian, hispanic. I don’t think New Bedford is that similar to Jasper, it has its problems, but it is also a very diverse place and from what I have seen I think a lot of the people here can appreciate that diversity, where in Jasper that was not really the case. A form of racism that is present in New Bedford is that a lot of people are disrespectful and prejudiced toward the Guatamalen community in New Bedford, sometimes even people that know racism is wrong will make offensive comments about them, which should really be stopped. Over time the forms of racism have changed. In the past racism was much more blatant and accepted by many people. Today however racist ideas are not commonly accepted in society and the racism that does exist is not as out in the open as it was in the past. People tend to try to hide any racism that is in society and act like it is not a big problem, whcih leads to more. To diminish instances of racism in the community people can talk and learn from each other, by understanding each other they could begin to respect each other.
What were the causes in Jasper that led to this crime? Do you think something similar to the murder of James Byrd could happen in your community? What kinds of things make it likely or unlikely that such a crime could take place where you live? What can you do to decrease the likelihood of it happening?
The causes in Jasper that led to the crime was the fact that the town had separated itself into a black side of town and a white side of town. The people of the town stayed separated from each other and did not address the fact that they were segregating themselves which caused conflicts and a lack of understanding and respect. I do think that something similar to the murder of James Byrd could happen here in New Bedford. There have been hate crimes here before, such as last year when that kid went into Puzzles and tried to kill some men because they were gay. To decrease the likelihood of hate crimes in the area, we have to pay attention to the fact that racism and prejudice are problems here and they exist, we can’t ignore these problems. There could be a night for different members of the community to get together and discuss these issues, which would lead to more understanding and unity in the community.
One black woman in the film observes, “Jasper has a lot of skeletons.” Are there “skeletons” in your community? Have hate crimes happened in your community? If so, how did you respond? How did your community respond?
I do think that New bedford has a lot of skeletons in it, there are a lot of problems that need to be addressed. Hate crimes have happened in New Bedford before and my response was disgust. To hurt another person because they are different from you in their race, religion or sexual orientation is appalling and I really do not understand how anyone could ever do that to another human being. From what I have seen, when there have been hate crimes in the past, the rest of the community has responded in the same way as I felt.
What do you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'?
I think that one of the most important things that can be done to end racism and intolerance is to talk to people about the issues. When people talk about these things they will gain more of an understanding of other people who they may think they have nothing in common with. I think to talk about the issues is a reasonable idea, there is really no reason why people can’t talk to each other and learn to understand and respect each other. Some people however may not be open to talking about it though so it would be hard to say how soon anyhting like this would ever happen. I think that when people stand up for what they believe in and just do what they feel is right, other people learn from their examples and become moved to do the same with their own life.
Part 1 1) What happens when people are judged by the way they look?
When people are judged by the way they look it creates conflicts. It also creates stereotypes that can really hurt people. When people are judged based on how they look they get hurt and angry.
2) What is prejudice? List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others.
Prejudice is when someone judges others unfairly and assumes something about them based on their race, sexual orientation, or gender. Prejudice is also when someone is intolerant of diversity and does not like another person because of their race, sexual orientation or gender. Stereotypes are usually the result of the prejudice a person has toward a particular group of people. When a person is prejudiced they usually have a stereotype about the group they are prejudiced toward and the same goes for stereotypes, if a person has a stereotype, which are often offensive, then they are prejudiced.
3) What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people?
An example of prejudice resulting in the unfair treatment of people could be if an employer is prejudiced toward a particular group of people and feels that they are unfit to be employed in their business. That would be unfair to not hire someone to work for you because of racist or sexist opinions.
4) Why do you think some people are prejudiced?
I think some people are prejudiced because their family may have taught them to be and think that way. The society that they live in is another factor that causes some people to be prejudiced. It is hard to say what one thing can cause prejudice; it can be because of the place that the person grew up in and what that taught them or the family and other people that they were surrounded by when they grew up.
5) What is tolerance? List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others.
To me tolerance is when someone just ‘puts up’ with something that they may not like or understand. I think to say that you tolerate someone is saying that you still do not accept or understand them. I think that tolerance is a little different from respect and understanding, which is what people should practice toward other cultures. The ways that people practice tolerance and respect toward other people is when they take the time to learn about other cultures or they speak out against language or actions that are intolerant toward other people.
6) What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity?
From respecting others’ diversity people gain an understanding of many different cultures that they may not have known about before. They are able to learn from the diversity when they can accept it. From not respecting others’ diversity people can lose friends and respect from other people.
7) What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity?
When the United States respects diversity it gains respect from other countries and it also gains citizens who add to America’s cultural diversity. When the United States does not respect the diversity of others it loses that respect that other countries may have had for it at once and it also loses the respect of its citizens who are all very diverse.
8) What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time?
When people practice intolerance over a long period of time they become very hateful and they lose the respect of other people.
9) What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons?
To help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons, people can learn about the culture of another person, they can talk to their friends about their cultures, they can speak up when they hear remarks that are racist or offensive toward others.
10) Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice?
Yes, this film did deepen my understanding of racism and prejudice. Racism is something that people don’t always think about that often but it really does hurt society. Racism is something that isn’t always addressed as a problem in society because a lot of times people feel uncomfortable to talk to about, which can make the problems worse.
11) How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views?
The way it contradicted what I believed about people who hold racist views is I usually thought that people who are racist would be very outspoken about it, but the people in this movie who were would act one way when they were out in the town, but when they were in their own homes they were totally different talked about their racism freely.
Leslie wrote: PART 1: What happens when people are judged by the way they look? – When people get judged by how they look, most of the time, other people get the wrong idea of that person and may even treat someone different just because they don’t know the truth about that person. People who judge others by how they look are most likely going to be driven to have a wrong idea of that person.What is prejudice? List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others. – Prejudice to me, is basically having a set idea of someone or a group of people because of certain circumstances.It could be based on gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual preference, etc.When people are prejudice because of those circumstances, it is very easy for people to easily feel the same idea about many others because of the same thing. Stereotyping is another way of being prejudice towards people.They go hand in hand with each other. What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people? – Some examples would be relating to the movie we watched.We can see how because there was a sense of racism by those white men they went and dragged that black man to his death.This was definitely a good example of how people’s thoughts and ideas of certain people could drive them to do pretty crazy things like even killing someone. Another example would be in school.Many people don’t want to believe about teachers treating students differently but it happens.I know this because it happened to my cousin.My cousin’s teacher threatened to write her up just because she was trying to explain a math problem to her friend and happened to be talking Spanish to the kid.I definitely think that was a good example of how some people take advantage of their high positions and use it against other people to get a message across. Why do you think some people are prejudiced? – I think people are in a way influenced to be prejudiced.If someone is given an idea, positive or negative, about someone else that is different they would be influenced to treat that person differently and have a certain idea about that certain person or group of people.That is only one half, though.There is also the other half where it is up to that person to decide how to act and how to treat that person.It’s a 50/50 thing. What is tolerance? List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others. – Tolerance is dealing with another person’s differences and not letting those differences get in the way of you getting to know that person. A way that people practice tolerance is having friends that are from other backgrounds.That shows that you won’t let those differences stop you from having a friendship with that person.It shows that you don’t care about that part when it comes to choosing your friends. What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity? – When someone respects someone else’s diversity they also gain the respect of that person as well.But if someone doesn’t respect someone else’s diversity, they lose the respect of that person and that person’s ethnic group. You lost a lot more by being prejudiced towards someone then trying to put those differences aside and looking at the actual person and not their ethnicity. What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity? – The United States would gain a lot more support and respect from many other countries. By the United States not respecting a certain group of people because they are different, other countries don’t respect the United States and would not completely back it up. What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time? – If a group of people practice intolerance for a long period of time those thoughts automatically become a part of that person.They will eventually get into the habit of teaching others their way of thinking and would eventually try to convince others that their way of thinking is the right way of thinking.It would just become a chain that would continue to grow and grow. What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons? – It would be much easier if it started with the leaders.Many people are still very dependant on their leaders and I think if the people in charge would promote it and try their hardest to enforce it, people would start to get into the habit of being tolerant to others.I also think that teenagers could have a big impact on changing the way people think.Most people think that teens don’t know about these kinds of things but the truth is that we get to see it up close at school. Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice? - It definitely gave me a better view and better understanding of the crazy things people can do when they have a certain view of certain people. How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views? - It definitely confirmed what I thought about people who hold racist views.I always new that people could go to dangerous measures to get a certain point across but to actually see it and know that it had actually happened made it that much more real and believable.
Leslie, I really agree with you and I think that your ideas on how to encourage respect for all people were really good.
Catherine wrote: What do you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? I think there should be more movies about it or even more books so people know that it is wrong what you do and how you can hurt someone and there family. People would realize the pain and misory that they are doing to someones life by just even watching a movie about it. The law would be more sticture whwn it comes to violent crimes so that know one will get away with what they do to an innocent person. I think that we should write a letter to the presedent so he can do somthing about the violence when it comes to racal discriminations because a lot of people think they can get away with it because they are white but its not fair and i think they should stop that.
I think these are really good ideas because I think movies and books tend to have a really big impact on how people view things.
Winnie Z. wrote: Part II: Group Questions What insights does the film provide to people whose exploration of racism goes beyond relations between blacks and whites? What is the significance of the film’s title? Describe the reaction of each “town” to the murder and the trials. What accounts for the differences? In what ways are the actions and perceptions of individuals in the film influenced by their race, and in what ways are they influenced by other factors such as gender, generation, family relationships, or personality traits like how people deal with anger and grief? The insights that the film provides to people were that the issue of racism was delved into more deeply and to show that thoughts about other races were the result of older generation teachings. The significance of the film’s title was to show that in the town of Jasper, two races were living together in the town but basically everything was separated into two. Some examples would be the cemetery that had been fenced down the middle to separate whites from blacks and the different stores, shops, and activity places like nightclubs that were frequented by mostly each race to their own. The reaction of each ‘town’ to the murder and the trials were somewhat the same and yet different nonetheless. The white portion of the town that the film interviewed seemed more indifferent to the murder than that of the black portion of the town. The people that the white crew had interviewed seemed to me that they were more than willing to give the murderers a life sentence rather than the death sentence. However, on the other side, the people that the black crew interviewed, they had been more than angry at the fact that the third guy didn’t get the death sentence when his other two buddies did. The reasons for the differences are that some of the townspeople still base their opinions on racial differences and the relationships that everyone had with each other. The actions and perceptions of individuals in the film are influenced by their race in that their thoughts about what should be done to those in the trials were different. The ways that they were influenced by other factors would be the town cemetery that was divided in two due to how it had been back in the past. The fence was never taken down due to a factor of things mostly being that it had been just there and no one bothered to take it down. If you had the power to make Two Towns of Jasper required viewing for some people in your town, city, or community, who would be on your list? How might you arrange a screening for the people on your list?If I had the power to make “Two Towns of Jasper” a required movie to view, I would probably make the whole city watch it. This movie may not appeal much to the young generation by which I mean elementary school levels but besides those, everyone else should watch this. Events of this caliber should be broadcasted to let people become aware of the fact that racism is still very much alive contrary to the belief of some. The final line of the film is “Coming together, that’s what we need.” How do we do that? How might you create a place in your community where people can “come together”?I would create a place in the community where people can “come together” by maybe clubs or organizations where people can come to learn more about each other culturally and individually.
Winnie, I agree with you that having different clubs could help people "come together" in the city. I also agree that it is important for everyone to watch this to learn about crimes such as the murder of James Byrd, people need to see how racism really affects society.
·The different types of demographics in my community are Puerto Rican, Black, Cape Verdean , Asian , and Portuguese.
·My community is unlike jasper because of all the minorities and culture that get spread around and it’s more open than jasper.
The forms of racism in my community are most older Portuguese people are racist and most cops are white and racist and you see a lot of that when you live in the projects or always around the black crowds.
You cant racism is always going to exist
In jasper there was crime because everyone was separated
I don’t think that could happen here and if it did there will be more destruction than there was in jasper
To decrease the risk of that happening we could all talk about it but that’s not going to happen
There has been a lot of crimes in my community and by the police too they shot a man who didn’t have a real gun on him the community responded by doing nothing but something needs to happen.
Of course I think things in Jasper changed, when the cameras were on. I think when the cameras where off and everything was said and done the people went back to still hating on blacks. The same racist people probably stayed the same but behind close doors. Even when the fence came down, things stayed the same.
No, I don’t believe that anything like the fence in the Jasper Town exist today in our community. If there were something like that and it was dismantled I think some things would change but only for a little while.
The people in the film are nothing like the people in our community when it comes to being racist and intolerant.
p.s. Nate, Missy Gilberg, Ben’s wife is looking for a way to contact you.
Part II Of course I think things in Jasper changed, when the cameras were on. I think when the cameras where off and everything was said and done the people went back to still hating on blacks. The same racist people probably stayed the same but behind close doors. Even when the fence came down, things stayed the same.
No, I don’t believe that anything like the fence in the Jasper Town exist today in our community. If there were something like that and it was dismantled I think some things would change but only for a little while.
The people in the film are nothing like the people in our community when it comes to being racist and intolerant.
When issues like this arise in a community, the community needs to come together and discuss the issue openly. If you don’t get your feelings out there then everything is just going to stay bottled up. Then that makes it easier for another tragedy to happen again. In the city of New Bedford they need to have more activities, more young kids getting involved, getting awareness of what goes on in the world today.
For a class I have a genius idea that combined with 3rd Eye we should go to Monadnok State Park. Go off to the mountains for a day and find peace.
Mason wrote: It's really simple... What do you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? I think that there should be a government funded class in schools in Jasper that teaches tolerance towards other ethnicities and beliefs just like this class [except it's not government funded, heh.] and I think that the parents should also be taught tolerance towards other people, because they are really the main cause of the racism. I think that that would be an entirely possible thing to do in Jasper, but I doubt that they would actually do that.
What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? I think maybe we could have a cultural fair [like a science fair type dealy] and should have stations for different cultures in the world and have maybe facts and food from the culture. That would be a pretty cool idea to try and teach people about other cultures so they understand it and maybe aren't as prejudice towards them.
Mason, that is a great idea about the cultural fair.
For a class I have a genius idea that combined with 3rd Eye we should go to Monadnok State Park. Go off to the mountains for a day and find peace.
I love this idea and haven't done it since 2002, when I took a group of students from my Civil Rights Team and US History class to the mountain for a hike. It was an awesome time. I've been up and down those trails more than I can remember and completely love it there. Jenna, can you help organize it with me? Maybe we can take more people than the class... like the Peace & Unity club too, as well as 3rd Eye. What do you think?
Group #2: Jamie, Leslie, Jenna, Mason Carmen & Ashley Do you think life in Jasper changed after the trials? If so, how? Consider the following comments: “I’ve change my views partially. . . . I don’t want to have anything to dowith the Aryan Circle, the Aryan Brotherhood, or the gangs. . . . Bottomine is that you’ve got to treat people, all people, the way you want to betreated, know what I mean? That’s what I do now. I used to not do that.”-Trent Smith“The black community and the white community have made very realefforts to speak to one another perhaps more than we ever did, to makeeye contact, to be more concerned, I think, than we ever were before.And I think that’s been having an impact.” - Father Ron Fosage“We can’t change a white man’s heart, how they feel and think about us.We can expose it, like we did with Bill King. . . but you can’t necessarilychange it. You live with it.” — Walter Diggles
I think Jasper changed after the trials. He realized the racism and the effect on Criticisms.
In Jasper, the fence dividing the town cemetery into black and white sections symbolized divisions in the community at large. Do similar symbols exist in your community? Would it make a difference to dismantle them? If so, how might you begin that process?
Yes, these things appear in our society.Theres still racist people in New Bedford. Yes it wouldt make a big difference to dismantle them because their would be less racism in the society. They could begin this process by making it a law. Are the attitudes of people in the film similar to attitudes in your own community? If so, would viewers of this film therefore come away knowing more about you and your community? Is there any way in which viewers might be misled about you or your community?
Yes, attitude in the film are similar to people in our own society. Possibily, if people know how you are then they would know if not they wouldn't know unless they asked your opinion. Viewers might misled you about myself because people judge others even if they dont know how you truely are.
Part III:
Social Activism It's really simple... What od you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? Write your answer for [80 points] and respond, comment or offer a suggestion to another student's post [20 points].
People could talk out their opinions of what they think about diferent cultures. Nothing could be done about someones opinion because everyone has their own point of view. Everyone is different.
Part I Q1. What happens when people are judged by the way they look? A1. When people are judged by the way that they look they will take it offensive and react in the wrong way.
Q2. What is prejudice?List examples of how prejudice causes some people to stereotype others. A2. Prejudice- Is when you go against what people beleive in. People stereotype others because of the color of their skin or what kind of culture they have. Q3. What are some examples of prejudice resulting in unfair treatment of people? A3. Soem examples are: what happened in the town of Jasper, excluding people because of their skin color, and using racial slurs at people.
Q4. Why do you think some people are prejudiced? A4. I think thats because that they think that they are better than everyone else, and that they have the right to treat people with disrespect. Q5. What is tolerance?List examples of how people practice tolerance or respect towards others. A5. Tolerance is when you are able to put up with how people treat you. Some people act out scenarios at home to know what to say when that time comes.
Q6. What do people gain or lose from respecting or not respecting others’ diversity? A6. When people do respect others diversity, they gain respect and there will be no problems. When they dont respect it, thats when the problems start because they do get offended. Q7. What do you think the United States and the world gain or lose from respecting or not respecting diversity? A7. The United States would gain a whole lot of respect and trust but they will also lose it to and create problems and riots.
Q8. What are some things that can happen when people practice intolerance over a long period of time? A8. When people practice intolerance for a long period of time then they will not deal with predjudice and racism, they will react violently.
Q9. What can people do to help create an environment that encourages respect for all persons? A9. They can have stricter rules, and not have and racism and predjudice happen, they should not judge the blacks, whites, asians, arabs, jews etc. None of that should be tolerated and that would make things a whole lot better.
Q10. Does this film deepen your understanding of racism or prejudice? A10. Yes, it does deepen my understanding on those topics. I know now why it is wrong to say the racial words and I understand the true meanings.
Q11. How does it contradict or confirm what you believe about people who hold racist views? A11. I understand now why different people react to different comments and actions used against them.
Part III. I think that the person who was driving that car should be sentenced the death penalty. It was not right he had every right to stop and not do what happened. If anyone tries to do the same that same punishment shoud be served no matter what the color of your skin is.
1. When people are judged by the way they look it’s easier to build stereotypes about that person. It gives room for misconceptions to grow and strips the person’s opportunity to make an unbiased, first impression. 2. Prejudice is a preconceived notion; it can be favorable or unfavorable, usually the latter. Prejudice stems from stereotypes. One example is if a white individual locks their car doors when they see a Hispanic or African American walking in their direction. 3. The Rwandan Genocide, African Slave Trade, and the unfair treatment of Jews throughout history are examples of prejudice resulting in the unfair treatment people. 4. I think fear drives people to stereotype and prejudice, as well as their family. 5. Tolerance is the ability to accept, whether it is beliefs or practices. In history, Muslims didn’t force Jews living on their territory to convert to Islam, nor did they persecute them. Recognizing Jews as fellow “people of the book,” they allowed Jews to live on their land only having to pay taxes. 6. By respecting someone’s diversity you can gain a friend, knowledge about that culture, and maybe a new custom. By doing the opposite, there’s much more to lose than gain. 7. The US could gain a better reputation globally if they would respect other cultures a tad better. 8. When intolerance is practiced over a long period of time, it can create intense hatred, which can cause extreme violence. 9. Enlightenment and conversation can help create an environment of respect for all people. Just taking the time to learn another person’s predicament, asking yourself why they choose to act the way they do, can clear up a lot of unnecessary things. Talking to that group or individual and solving the conflict directly, can get rid of the unknowns which drive us to make the judgments and prejudices that we do. 10. The film did deepen my understanding of racism. Unfortunately you were able to see that even at that time, race played a huge role in their everyday life. The movie also shed light on the racism that occurs behind our backs, the simple reminder of how far we still have to go in our movement towards a greater racial understanding of one another. 11. The movie didn’t confirm or contradict the beliefs I have of people who hold racist views.
Part II
1. School, the YMCA, the Dartmouth Mall, the park, theatre, and church are some of the gathering places in my community. Most of these places are integrated, and like our city with many diverse cultures. As well, these cultures can gather in these places fairly comfortably, luckily there isn’t much racial tension around town. I think all places should be integrated although I do acknowledge a person’s need to be around there “own kind.” There are things you can discuss easier between people of your own race rather than strangers. But overall, having “segregated” places only makes outsiders wonder of what’s going on behind closed doors; it won’t help to cultivate understanding and tolerance. Other cultures, religions, and ethnicities in my community, thankfully, don’t suffer many injustices, at least that I know of. I try to gather my opinions about these people strictly on their actions. Once they give you cause to judge them in a negative light, I see how it’s easy to classify their culture in the same way. I think it’s happened to all of us, you get to a point where you have to reassure yourself of his or her culture’s innocence. The best source to find the most accurate information about myself would be my family; I just think they’d give someone the most precise description of me, the good and bad. Holding seminars or assemblies is one way to spread accurate information about cultures.
Part III
Spreading the story of James Byrd, and teaching its listeners the horrors of racism can and should be done to expose the message of this story to our society. Lastly, to be the change I want to be in the world, I should be more involved; take advantage of all the programs I have at my in my area and never take intolerance and racism for an answer.
Part IIThe history of blacks in the justice system in my community is that they were not treated equal or even acknowledged for that fact. Justice in my community has “come a long way” because in the past crimes against blacks were overlooked simply because of the color of their skin. Today, we’re not judged by the color or our skin but by the content of our character, just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted us to be seen.The roles that religious institutions in the community play in either bringing people together or keeping them divided are when people get married, friends and family come together in a church, or when someone passes away, close family and friends come together to pray together. I don’t know what role a religious institution would play because I do not belong to one but, if I did I think it would be a major part of my everyday life, praying before I go to sleep and asking for forgiveness for and sins that I had committed. I do not think that I would “cut slack” to people that I knew because if they committed a crime, they should face the consequences or they shouldn’t have committed the crime in the first place. We get to know people that are different from us by going to school, work and talking to them about themselves, asking questions and making friends. There are ways that you can help people from different groups meet and spend time with one another. For example, in July 2005, I went to Australia with a group of students for all around Massachusetts. We had meetings every month with the other delegates in order to get to know each other better. Only one other person was from New Bedford out of the 42 students they came from areas like Brockton, Hyannis and deep parts of Massachusetts.Part IIII think that people need to communicate with each other better. Not one person should hate another, hate is such a strong word and you only live once so you shouldn’t even use that word in your vocabulary.What will be done is people will try to forgive what had happened but they will never forget what was done.
When people are judged by the way they look they feel upset , like theyre different, and eventually really self conscience. And sometimes that leads to worse things.Prejudice is not liking a person because of the way they look or who they are. Like when people see someone from a different country or culture they might call them names and make fun of them.Such as when my parents came here from acores people made fun of them, called them greenhorns and portugees. It’s hurtful matter that shouldn’t even be happening today.I think people are prejudice because of ignorance. Because not knowing to much about that person scares them.Tolerance is being fair, or respecting others differences in race, religion etc. This happens when someone doesn’t discriminate or shows any sign of prejudice towards others.You can gain a friend by respecting others and when you don’t respect others your hurting others.I think when it comes to countries respecting others they get to be a nation that does exactly what their constitution says freedom of religion, and all culture. Or the one who is hated for discriminating.If you practice intolerance for a long period of time you start to really hurt people and you need to teach yourself that its need to help stop racism not start it.yes the film makes me angry that people can be so cruel to others.
What insights does the film provide to people whose exploration of racism goes beyond relations between blacks and whites?The insights that the film provided to people whose exploration of racism goes beyondrelations between blacks and whites are they inferior to the other. It does go beyond blacks and whites, the white feel that if your not white regardless what ethnicity you are your different and they will be racist towards you. Im not saying all of them were or even are in the movie but the people who said they were.What is the significance of the films title? The significance of the title Is that even though they lived in the same town they made it seem like it was two separate towns. So its called the TWO TOWNS OF JASPER. The blacks were separated from the whites you it was like the white town and then a black town.Describe the reaction of each town to the murder and the trials. What accounts for the differences?The whites were MOSTLY on the white familys side(the man who was accused of assistarce in the murder) where sayin that he was innocent and the blacks where saying that he was guilty in the murder of (a black man).In what ways are the actions and perceptions of individuals in the film influenced by their race, and in what ways are they influenced by other factors such as gender, generation, family relationships, or personality traits like how people deal with anger and grief?I think that your opinion changes when it has to do with a family member because you dont want to see anything happen to a family member. Youll do what ever it takes to protect them. But if it was someone you didnt know or someone of a different race youll want them put away.
What insights does the film provide to people whose exploration of racism goes beyond relations between blacks and whites?The insights that the film provided to people whose exploration of racism goes beyondrelations between blacks and whites are they inferior to the other. It does go beyond blacks and whites, the white feel that if your not white regardless what ethnicity you are your different and they will be racist towards you. Im not saying all of them were or even are in the movie but the people who said they were.What is the significance of the films title? The significance of the title Is that even though they lived in the same town they made it seem like it was two separate towns. So its called the TWO TOWNS OF JASPER. The blacks were separated from the whites you it was like the white town and then a black town.Describe the reaction of each town to the murder and the trials. What accounts for the differences?The whites were MOSTLY on the white familys side(the man who was accused of assistarce in the murder) where sayin that he was innocent and the blacks where saying that he was guilty in the murder of (a black man).In what ways are the actions and perceptions of individuals in the film influenced by their race, and in what ways are they influenced by other factors such as gender, generation, family relationships, or personality traits like how people deal with anger and grief?I think that your opinion changes when it has to do with a family member because you dont want to see anything happen to a family member. Youll do what ever it takes to protect them. But if it was someone you didnt know or someone of a different race youll want them put away.
What od you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'?
I think they need to realize that despite the color of your can commit crimes like any other person. I think they need to realize that this whole segregated thing needs to stop that there one community and they need to start acting like one. I think this trial has a major impact on this community. I think they wont be as segregated now because theyre starting to realize that they need to get along. I think that we neeed to realize were all the same=]
If you had the power to make Two Towns of Jasper required viewing for some people in your town, city, or community, who would be on your list? How might you arrange a screening for the people on your list? The final line of the film is Coming together, thats what we need. How do we do that? How might you create a place in your community where people can come together?First, people in gangs, people who discriminate, etc.the mayor should show this movie at schools, community centers and even town meetings. And we can come together by realizing that were all equal and should be treated like it. A community center can be a place for people to come together. =]
Part III: Social Activism It's really simple... What od you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? Write your answer for [80 points] and respond, comment or offer a suggestion to another student's post [20 points].
I think that the issues raised in the story should be dealt with based on how well the outcome looks. There are some issues that would require an extensive period of time to get a good result of. They should be handled in a way that benefits everyone. What should be done is to get the town to come together and live with each other in harmony and such. They shouldnt have separated everything, even the cemetery. What can be done is trying to get people to like each other based on who they are and not by the color of their skin. Events and stuff could possibly bring the people together. What will be done is making efforts to try to get the town on more friendlier terms with each other. I want to do quite a few things as a class and as a member of my community. Trying to be the change in the world that I want is quite an amazing feat if it is ever accomplished. Trying to get people to live with each other in harmony and peace would require tons of things to be done before they would realize that that was the goal.
adays wrote: Part III: Social Activism It's really simple... What od you think should be done about the issues raised in this story? What can be done? What will be done? What do you want to do as a class, as a school as a member of your community to 'be the change you want to see in the world'? Write your answer for [80 points] and respond, comment or offer a suggestion to another student's post [20 points].
honestly.... i think what should be done is that just like most people in the world take MCAS or some type of test,., i think they should do a survey to MOST people and they should try to ask then questions about racist. and what not honestly i dont no what to doo.. and rankly i dont want to do anything about it its there own oppinion/
I agree with you in that it is their own opinion but no one ever said that it was a bad thing if you tried to convince them otherwise.
What is the history of blacks in the justice system in your community? Has justice in your community come a long way? Can you think of any specific examples?I think that justice has changed regarding history of blacks. Today African Americans have more rights and are respected more than a long time ago. In my community I think that justice has come a long way because now when a black person dies they investigate it and do the best to get justice for their family and helping them. What role do the religious institutions in your community play in either bringing people together or keeping them divided? If you are affiliated with a religious institution, what role do you think it plays? What can you do to shape that role?To many people religion is very important and whenever someone needs help or comfort theres always a church or people who are willing to help them to continue on with their life.A) Are you more likely to cut slack to people you know, people who look like you, or share your religion, or live in your neighborhood?A) If it was someone I knew and the crime they committed wasnt so terrible or serious I would cut them some slack but if they killed someone or did something worse I dont know if I will cut them some slack. I would live in my neighborhood because nobody is perfect and we all need to learn to appreciate one another.B) How do we get to know people who are different from us? Are there ways that you can help people from different groups meet and spend time with one another? B) I think that if people wanted to know different people from them they wouldve by then. Everybody is different from one another and theres always going to be groups of different beliefs, religions, sex whatever that wont want to get to know others who are different from them. I think that people can get to know groups different from themselves if they wanted to. There could have meetings for people to meet different people of different cultures and religions and just talk to one another to get to know them.