1. "Old Immigration" - New England had the least ethnically mixed;; predominantly Puritan. MIddle Colonies most ethnically mixed
2. Scots Irish squatted on frontier lands and fought Native Americans eventually moving south into backcountry of Maryland, Western Virginia and Western Carolinas;; fought indians on the frontier.
3 Stratifications emerge...Upperclass consist of merchants laywers aristocratic plantation owener etc ...Yeoman farmers were the majority of the population(they owned land)....small merchants and manual workers then at the bottom....indentured servants and jailbirds( limited to no influence.)
4 Triangular Trade an illegal trade designed to circumvent englands navigation laws. Slaves transported through the middle passage.
5.Molasses act 1733 british sought to stop colonial trade with french West Indies;; the colonists ignored it due to the increased demand of british and other foreign goods.
5. Different religions. Anglcan Church tax supported;;; Congregational Church grew from Puritan Church;;; Presbyterian Church not offical religion of colonie;;;Quakers abolition movement;;; Jews arrived in mid-17th century
6. The great Awakening ....main issues...Religious styles, personal faith, church practice, and public decorum....crisis with the ministry and crisis between clergy and the laity.
7.George Whitefield Founded Methodism....Old Lights vs New Lights...deeply sekpitcal vs supported the awakening.
8. Zenger Case paved the way towards freedom of expression and charged with seditious libel and brought to trial
Jessica, I noticed that a lot of your main points had to do with religion. Our country was basically born on these ideas of religion during its early birth. But I mean, religion kinda started to die down after a while, not for long, but little by little. How much did religion shape what our country is today? Would our country be the same today if we hadn't started out with such strong religious beliefs?
Why do you think New England was the least ethnically mixed? Do you think it's because when immigrants came to the United States they just stopped in the nearest place and they came in such large groups that they were all together? It's amazing how many ethnicities there are now a days. Why do you think that changed so drastically?
The Zenger Case led to freedom of the press in America. It helped lay the foundation for the responsibilities of the media and government in a functioning democracy.
The Triangular Trade consisted of England, Africa, the West Indies and America right? And from Africa to the west indies, the slave trade took place. Along with molasses.
The Triangular Trade consisted of England, Africa, the West Indies and America right? And from Africa to the west indies, the slave trade took place. Along with molasses.
Molasses just has a way of ruining everything, does it not?
My question is: to what extent were Africans sold out by "their own people" (or other tribes - common misconception, I think) vs. Europeans selling them?
Before The Great Awakening, The Halfway covenant allowed adults who were baptized but didnt experience a conversion to join the church. This allowed their children to be baptized as well.
What does "Old Immigration" mean, why is it called that? also what influence do you believe that the Scots-Irish had on the colonies
Why do you think everyone seems to go after Irish immigrants? lol It seems like they got a lot of stuff in the earlier immigration days, and then even MORE once industrialization happened. Perhaps because they were Catholic?
My question is: to what extent were Africans sold out by "their own people" (or other tribes - common misconception, I think) vs. Europeans selling them?
African tribes that were at war with one another sold out the enemy to slavery. Sometimes other tribes sold out other tribes to get guns so that when they fought they would have the upper hand. Also, if there was an issue over land, like if one chief of a tribe wanted another tribes land for trading purposes, he would make a deal with the slave traders to help them capture the tribe so that he could get their land.