Post 10 of the most important events in the decade assigned. Explain each briefly (descriptively and in context of other events, individuals and issues of that time).
America was on the threshold of world leadership. Acquisition of the Philippines and Guam after the recent war with Spain expanded the nation's territorial borders almost to Asia. The Panama Canal would only increase American trade and defense interests.. In an age that saw the rise of oceanic steamship travel, the country's sense of isolation was decreasing.
Important events.
*1901 President William McKinley assassinated, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt takes office.
*1901 Oldsmobile creates the first assembly line.
*1902 - Henry Ford founds Ford Motor Co.
*1903 The Wright brothers make their first sustained manned flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
*1904 Work on the Panama Canal under Teddy Roosevelt began.
*1905 - 2,500 people die from an earthquake in San Francisco
*1908 - Henry Ford makes his first Model T for $850
1900- 12 April. Foraker Act confirms Puerto Rico as an unconsolidated territory of the United States.
1902- The United Mine Workers go on strike and the owners refuse to recognize the union; as tensions mount and negotiations fail, Roosevelt calls the two sides to the White House and successfully handles the situation.
1902 - Newlands Reclamation Act authorizes the building of irrigation dams across the West.
1903 - Department of Commerce and Labor created by Act of Congress; George B. Cortelyou is first secretary.
1904 - The Socialist Party nominates Eugene V. Debs for president. The Republicans nominate Roosevelt, who wins handily (by 2.5 million votes) over Democrat Alton B. Parker.
1900 -National Negro Business League is formed in Boston, sponsored by Booker T. Washington.
1901 -Carrie Nation begins a crusade against alcohol, using an ax to demolish the interiors of saloons.
1906-Pure Food and Drug Act made it illegal to make or sell food, drugs and alcohol containing improper ingredients, or to give false information on product labels.